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Aviation guarantee? navy vs marines

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low bypass axial-flow turbofan with AB driver
I've read a lot about how the Marines Corps "guarantees" aviation spots.

How is this different from the Navy? It seems like everyday on this board people announce that they got an SNA spot in OCS.

Does the Navy "guarantee" these spots? Once assigned to Navy OCS, how could someone lose his/her pilot's designation?


Registered User
USMC does guarntee a pilot slot as early as your 1st year in college. Weather or not if you actually go to flight school depends on how determined you are when it comes to getting through OCS and if you pass the flight physical before heading off to flight training.

As far as "people (announcing) that they got an SNA spot in OCS" is concerned, you also have to take into consideration all the people who don't get picked up by the Navy. Also, from what I know, the Navy does not have a program when you are guaranteed a pilot slot while in your early college years.

Paul Burke

Registered User
I'm not so sure about that Raptor. When my recruiter and I were talking about dates I could start OCS he said that they schedule people with an OCS start date as far out as 3 years and no one can start OCS unless they have been picked up by one of the communities. The reaons I'm not so sure about it is because BDCP'ers can get the date locked in but I don't know about how far out direct OCS folks can get it.


Registered User
Read the post that Mari made on 3/20/2002 under "Timing After OCS." The way inwhich the Navy and Corps selects future SNA's is the same and Mari does a very good job explaining the process. When you get accepted into the Navy and are sowrn in you will have an estimated date of when you will be going to attend OCS. This date is just that, an estimted date. There are many things that can cause your date to changed, especially if you still have 2-3 years of college left. Your date is not set in stone until you have your orders telling you to report to OCS in hand. I've had my OCS date changed 3 times already and all of my friends have had their dates changed at least once.


Registered User
This is true, OCS dates can change, especially if it is school related. I had to stay here a semester longer because my university didn't offer classes they usually do during the summer. Basically, if you don't graduate on time, and it's not your fault, then they will extend your OCS date with no problems. Your OCS date isn't set in stone even after you get your offical orders in the mail. I just had a buddy here extend his OCS date from 18May to 01 June AFTER he got his hard copy orders so he can go to Nationals with our flight team. He just had to write a letter explaining any special circumstances and hope they think it's worthy of an extension.

Also, you can start the BDCP in your sophmore year (BDCP is up to 3 years) with a guaranteed pilot slot, so you can get a slot in your early college years (just not your freshman year).



low bypass axial-flow turbofan with AB driver
thanks for the heads up. I read Mari's post and that cleared up a lot of the confusion. It seems like as long as you make it through OCS and avoid the NAMI Whammy, no one can take away your pilot slot. Sound about right?
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