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Back Already

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Milk Is For Babies...I Drink Beer
I am back already after getting NPQ'd at the end of week 2. I was in the hospital for 3 days because of cellulitus. This sucks. But I did get a recommendation to come back.


Milk Is For Babies...I Drink Beer
There were 5 that went home with me (NPQ) and another 10 that were boarded. I didn't have any blisters and they couldn't figure out how I got it. I got it on both ankles and over 15 doctors at Bethesda couldn't figure out where it came from except trauma to my achilles. I was in Alpha JDawg, 10 week combined.

If you guys haven't yet some chick from one of the six weeks hopped on a slow train and made it to Alexandria where the cops picked her up. And I talked to some dude who went UA on foot and made it a mile in his civilian pants and pt shirt.


Getting some since 1775
CUBoulder said:
If you guys haven't yet some chick from one of the six weeks hopped on a slow train and made it to Alexandria where the cops picked her up. And I talked to some dude who went UA on foot and made it a mile in his civilian pants and pt shirt.
Last summer when I was there, this poor b@stard (who was prior enlisted in the AF) tried to swim across the Potomic, left everything in the squad bad, the current was so strong he landed at HMX-1 where he was picked up by the Security Batallion. He swam on the FIRST day, Saturday, not even Sunday.


Registered User
sorry to hear that man, I got home a week ago from Charlie Co. after
breaking my leg, are you gonna go back? Yah, I heard about the girl
who jumped the train, apparently she left a note in her wall locker before
she did it and that is how they found out where she was and they got to her before she could jump another train to boston
Yo, guys, this doesn't bode well for those of us still waiting to go this summer. I pick up 10 July 05 for 2nd Increment for Golf Co. and if it's the last thing I do on this Earth, it'll be pass frickin' OCS.


2nd Inc. India Co. 2nd PLT. 2005
Hell yea. I'm leaving July 9th, and this news is making me nervous. I will never ever DOR I couldn't look at anyone in the eye again and tell them that I volunteerly quit. But, I am getting nervous about getting injured.


Registered User
You can't just say " f#uck it, I'm out" because you signed a contract that requires you to be there for 4 weeks, and after weeks it is up to you to DOR. That is why you hear about people jumping in the potomac and on trains to try an get out.

It is natural to be nervous candidates, and if you do not have any prior military experience, the first week will be diffucult and some of you may want to quit( i did to be truthful). Just SURVIVE THE SHOCK and i promise after a week you will get used to it and all of your previous feelings of not quiting, and motivation will come back into play.


Registered User
For those about to attend OCS:

My God...candidates at OCS get 3 hot meals a day, clean sheets, and you're not even being shot at. The instructors there are experts at what they do, and although it's hard to believe initially, are actually very good people. The finest the Corps has to offer. While they are busy giving you their best, give them yours. If you don't, you're wrong.


Yea you will get that speech again if you go there and start to complain. The priors in my platoon would tell us of worse situations they've been in and we would all just shut the hell up pretty quickly.

You know its almost like those kids who say I didn't know I could go to war if I signed up for the Infantry in the Army.
I didn't know you would yell at me if I went to OCS, this isn't summer camp?
-Some candidate


2nd Inc. India Co. 2nd PLT. 2005
I guess it doesn't matter how much motivation, or how in shape you are. If you get injured you're out; and that is the only thing that is on my mind when I think about OCS.


Registered User
how often do they drop people for reasons other than NPQ. Meaning how many drops because the staff thinks they wouldnt make good Marines?
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