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Back injury waiverable?


New Member
Well this really sucks.

My application for BDCP for SNA was about 95% done and I was close to being ready for the prt. I wanted to meet with the OSO last week to get everyting in order.

I fly sailplanes. On Saturday, May 19th I entered the landing pattern in a 1-26A at standard altitude after a not terrible flight. I then hit massive sink and fell out of the sky. I was over a residencial area and did the best I could not to hit someone, or their property. I landed in a small park, then crashed through a wood fence 10ft later. I walked away.

I had back pain and went to the ER to get checked out. It turns out I had a narly compression fracture in my T12. I was in fact, 1mm away from being paralyzed and never walking again.

They fixed me up real good like the $6 million dollar man by fusing my T11,T12, and L1 vertibres and bolting them all together with some titanium instrumentation. The surgeon assures me those vertibres don't move mutch and I'll recover to '98.9%'. My recovery after just a week has been phenominal.

After all this I'm driven to be a naval officer and aviator even more. I want the best training available to me, and if I do end up a smoking hole, I'd prefer it to be for a cause and with honor, rather than just a thrillseeker.


CAS Czar
Super Moderator
Feddoc will be able to speak to this much more authoritatively but here goes.
There are waivers available for back injuries, the biggest stipulation is that you are asymptomatic and can do a PFT.
The only waivers I have seen were to fleet winged aviators, dont know how NAMI er NOMI will treat an initial application.
Might as well apply and find out.


Well-Known Member
I had a similar injury, but not to that degree. (no fusion required)

I was in flight school when it happened though.. NOMI checked me out, and I was cleared to fly again.


Really old guy
Sorry, Tom, but being old Navy, that is not my thing. :) That 75$ will buy me a nice bottle of something.