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Bad tester

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Registered User
I am applying this August through OSO KC and i am fairly competetive. However my weakest point in my package is the ACT score. I am just trying to get the 45 on the verbal and math, but i just keep coming up short only a few points. I was considering the ASVAB, but i dont know yet. I am very smart and get good grades however i just stink at standardized testing. Any advice on this matter.


Registered User
Give the ASVAB a shot. I found it to be freaken easy compared to the ACT/SAT tests. Between the ACT and SAT i took the tests 9 times trying to get a good score for college and stuff. I took the ASVAB on a whim without studying for it and made a 91. Take that for what its worth.


Registered User
I took the ASVAB when i was a sophomore, but it doesnt count since i was too young (i dont know why my HS made us take it). I ended up with a 51, i was stupid back then though, i think i could do a whole lot better now that i am older. What is the minimum score to get into OCS, or is a combined score of something on the test? This is the only thing standing in my way (that i know of), i have excellent LOR's, extra-curriculars, decent PFT (around 270), and a good GPA. So close, yet so far.


CAS Czar
Super Moderator
There are test taking strategies that help. One of the prep classes though expensive are usually worth it.


Registered User
T-man said:
need a 75 on the ASVAB if that's what you want to use on your app.

Would that not look good in the package? I was talking to the Captian via email a while back and i asked him about the ACT scores (or SAT or ASVAB) and he said that it is just a mere REQUIRMENT and not something that the boards really look at. So obviously i guess i should just shoot for the highest possible in case there is a package similiar to mine to where they need to look at the test scores.
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