Prowler/Super Hornet pipeline:
Primary/Intermediate: VT-4/VT-10 (About 6 months)
Advanced: VT-86 (6-8 months depending on selection)
From here, I'lll let one of the Rhino guys take it.
But for Prowler guys: After winging:
AVEWS (11-12 weeks)
VAQ-129 (have no clue)
As for selections, Navy guys select after Primary. This time last year, the choices on the sheet were CVW or Panel Nav. The next is at the end of Intermediate: Hawkeyes or jets. Jet guys go over to VT-86 for advanced. After re-attacks (intro to air to air stuff) Navy and USMC will select strike (Prowlers) or strike-fighter (Hornets/ Super Hornets).
Those who select strike go on to T-2s (end of Advanced). Strike fighter selectees go on to more air to air stuff in the T-39 and then go to T-2s.
In primary you'll fly the T-6, learning procedures and instrument navigation.
Intermediate, you'll stay in the T-6, refining instrument procedures and get an intro to low level visual navigation and handling a section. After that, you'll move into the T-1, with more practice on instrument navigation and low level procedures. T-1s is the first time your instructor is a NFO/WSO.
Advanced you fly the T-39. More practice in the low level environment, but with a ground mapping radar involved. After that, you'll get an intro to air to air stuff. Basic radar usage, talking to a GCI controller and finding another plane in space. Big exercise in CRM. Strike fighter guys will do more air to air, strike guys are done with T-39s after this.
After completeing the T-39 syllabus, all USN/USMC/foreign students get time in the T-2 (yes, its still around). More practice handling a section, this time in the low level environment. Also, you get exposed to handling a division as well as how weapons employment can affect flight planning (all drops are simulated). Last 6 flights as an SNFO are BFM show and tell, with the student actually running the fight on the last 3 hops.
Hope it helps,