Trying to hit the Dangerzone
Hey, To anyone who might have some info, please hit me back
here are my stats for my package for BDCP SNA/SNFO/SWO:
Going into Junior Year, 20 yrs old, Florida State University Student
Good Medium PRT
Anthropometric Measurements within standards
Medical Clear for Commission
LoR's - Associate Professor (Teacher at FSU) , Waterfront Director (Current Boss), Captain A.W. Jiles, USN. ( My Former FAMUNROTC CO - I DOR'd - worst decision of my life, but he gave me outstandings in every catagory!)
Lifeguard Certified
Learning Arabic
Communications Major, 3.229 GPA
ASTB Scores: 48 OAR/AQR 5/PFAR 5/FOFAR 4
Water Polo Club at FSU
Varsity Wrestling/Weightlifting High School
Leadership Class - High School
Former FAMUNROTC Midshipman
And now the hits against me:
-refusal to submit breath test (suspended liscense, but I have a review to get it reinstated, I'm going to beg to get it back!)
-posession of alcohol underage (this charge is pending expungement from my record.)
anyone with any gouge, help me out please!
here are my stats for my package for BDCP SNA/SNFO/SWO:
Going into Junior Year, 20 yrs old, Florida State University Student
Good Medium PRT
Anthropometric Measurements within standards
Medical Clear for Commission
LoR's - Associate Professor (Teacher at FSU) , Waterfront Director (Current Boss), Captain A.W. Jiles, USN. ( My Former FAMUNROTC CO - I DOR'd - worst decision of my life, but he gave me outstandings in every catagory!)
Lifeguard Certified
Learning Arabic
Communications Major, 3.229 GPA
ASTB Scores: 48 OAR/AQR 5/PFAR 5/FOFAR 4
Water Polo Club at FSU
Varsity Wrestling/Weightlifting High School
Leadership Class - High School
Former FAMUNROTC Midshipman
And now the hits against me:
-refusal to submit breath test (suspended liscense, but I have a review to get it reinstated, I'm going to beg to get it back!)
-posession of alcohol underage (this charge is pending expungement from my record.)
anyone with any gouge, help me out please!