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Registered User
Is there anyone out there who applied for BDCP around the end of Feb. 2002 and hasn't heard anything yet? Or can someone tell me when applicants for BDCP should hear they are accepted? I heard that slots open up around this time when people that are already on BDCP graduate from college! So I hope I'm not mistaken that we should hear something very soon!!



Registered User

My application went in around the beginning of March and I got accepted for pilot but was put on the wait list for BDCP. I talked to my recruiter the other day and he says that between now and july, i should definitely be moved off of the wait list since there's a class convening every two weeks. He also said priority doesn't necessary go to personal qualifications anymore, I guess jobs the Navy has trouble getting applicants for gets BDCP first, and of course aviation isn't in that category. I'm interested, has anybody else heard anything like this?



Registered User
I can't comment on what the situation is in regards to BDCP slots, but I would think that you should have heard something by now. The average wait time of everyone that I know who was accepted for BDCP was about a month and half. I would talk to your recruiter and see if he can find out what the situation. Good luck!
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