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Beautiful Pics of the Airborne Laser AND Bonus super response to Anti-Bush Rhetoric!



Why do you hate Bush?
To anybody with a functioning brain stem at the very least, it should be more than obvious why the majority of the world despises Bush. Because you're actually questioning why, I'm going to assume you are a Republican, thereby precluding you from understanding anything outside of your limited mental incapacities. Therefore, it suffices to say, "Get a clue," although I fear even that may be asking far too much.

You may now continue with the standard issue Republican talking points including sprouting off at the mouth about BDS, the evil liberal media, and, as a last defense, claiming to be libertarian, without understanding the basic concepts of classical and social liberalism.
So, you speak for the "majority of the world" or pre-suppose making meaningless statements bolster your weak-minded vitriol. Be certain that "they" hate you equally as much. But beyond that "the majority of the world" isn't unified in anything and isn't a basis for supporting a point of view if you even have one. Grow up. I'm sure your adolescent tirades were cute once.

It's fine to express a political point of view or critique one that you disagree; however, You've done neither. You've simply used empty rhetoric and hollow arguments to state simplisticly that you're emotionally underdeveloped. Not to mention that you've used a blog as a means to satisfy your apparent lack of intellectual confidence. Plus, you did it anonymously. What courage! Cudos.
Objectifying others with hate can readily be found in politics and is a conveinent dumping ground for all those emotions you still haven't tempered with maturity, reason, or education. Find confidence in yourself. Look for purpose in your life that is self-sustaining. Maybe consider therapy because the delusion you seem intent on wrapping yourself in won't serve anybody, including you.
Besides, all powerful flying U.S. goverment lasers kick ass! If the "majority of the world" doesn't like it, they can suck on it. "It" being a laser flying 40,000 feet above their heads, of course (about 12 Kilometers, if you wondered you EU kissass pussy).

Remember, lasers save lives. There is no other country on the face of the planet then ours to responsibly use it to that end.
Who knows how the "majority of the world" would use this laser technology, but let's speculate:

Russia - why trouble in exterminating dissidents abroad by hot dosing tea with uranium when Mother Russia has a flying laser?

China - Pet population possibly subject to rabbies outbreak? Why send out doggie death squads with poles when 50, 000 laser zaps would do the trick with less mess?

Sudan - What's the use of having a Islamic state when all your oil rich land sits under a bunch of pesky black christian Darfurians? The faster we laser those peaceful, er i mean, intolerant Christians, the faster we can serve ALLAH, and the Chinese all our oil.

Venezuela - Lasers? We don't need no stinking lasers! Hugo Chavez has suppressed liberty in a way that would even make his idol Fidel proud. But you never know, maybe El Chavezta could laser out freedom of the press, seize private land make himself dictator for life without disturbing the sensitivity of western liberals, oh, nevermind the laser, already done.

Iran - No need for a nuclear weapon just laser "wipe Isreal of the map".

Syria- Laser the Jews

Saudi Arabia- Laser Jews, of course. But, we could also laser any women found opperating a vehicle or acting out. But, first the Jews.

Gaza Strip- You thought we'd want to Laser the Jews right? Wrong. First, we'll laser each other for the right to laser the Jews.

Somalia- Warlord laser warfare. Still, Ethiopia would find a way to give us a well deserved ass kicking. Funny, Ethiopia is finding a military solution to accomplish what Bill Clinton couldn't. And, they don't have a flying laser.

Zimbabwe- After we laser all the white people off their farms. We can find other ways of destroying the economy and increase hardship for generations to come.

EU- Well, if you can't hammer out a constitution what chance do the French, the British, the Germans, the Dutch and all the rest have on agreeing on how to use a freaking flying laser?

Norway - If it can be done, let's laser the whales. Blubber, the other, other white meat. The Inuit aren't the only ones
into it.

Japan - If the Vikings can eat whale, so should we. Laser me an order of blubber shammi.

It's a jem of an internet fight:D


Well-Known Member
Wow, I bet that guy changed a LOT of people's minds with his well thought out, clearly reasoned, and exceptionally long post...pretty soon there won't be any liberals left with that sort of rhetoric floating around the internets...


Professional Javelin Catcher
I was just thinking that the other day. It already shows up on there (on the Gore's son thread at that).