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Benefits pay at OCC for priors?


Registered User
Just wanted to double check on this one: I was married while in and got out as an E-5 and I am still IRR, but that's it. So if I go to OCC this summer, I will only rate E-5 base pay with no med./dent. BAS, BAH or time in service until I graduated (except for med. while there for myself)? Would that change if I joined the reserves before hand?

Just checking because that is kind of rough with a familiy. Thanks for any input.



Hangar Four
SgtUSMC said:
Just wanted to double check on this one: I was married while in and got out as an E-5 and I am still IRR, but that's it. So if I go to OCC this summer, I will only rate E-5 base pay with no med./dent. BAS, BAH or time in service until I graduated (except for med. while there for myself)? Would that change if I joined the reserves before hand?

Just checking because that is kind of rough with a familiy. Thanks for any input.


So why would you join the reserves before OCC (presumably next summer). You will get E-5 pay adjusted for your yrs of service and I may be wrong but I think you will get BAH for your wife's place of residence. You won't need med / dent while at OCS unless its bad. I would have to double check on the BAH but I am pretty sure that buddies of mine who were married got BAH while at OCS.

Even if you didn't, why would you go into the Reserves just for the period between now and next summer? All you would be doing is taking away that commands opportunity to get someone in there and get them trained up who will be staying around a while. While it would give you a little more pay (assuming worse case scenario) it would be screwing over that unit. Well, thats just my opinion...


Registered User
I guess my question was precisely whether or not that since I am out would I not rate any of that which you specified above? Were those priors to whom you are referring in the IRR or completely discharged when they went to OCS? The impression I got from my OSOs office was that since I got out in '03 I did not rate anything and just wanted to double check because there is obviously a huge difference in pay. I was not concerned with medical for me, but rather my family, because COBRA is a rip and I am taking a huge pay cut for 10 weeks if I don't rate that stuff.

I definately would not want to screw over any reserve units, but the way I figure you are not screwing a command, but rather the command is giving to the Corps another potential officer - the Corps always gets theirs in the end in my experience, plus the pay difference quite frankly is significant enough with a non-working spouse and a kid at home.

Thanks for your response.

Edit: Just to clarify, I did not do any kind of enlisted commissioning program, just served my time, got out and finished school. So really I am just a nasty civilian, although technically in the IRR.


Well-Known Member
All you're going to get on this board is speculation. Since this is a serious situation for you and your family, you need to talk to the experts. You don't need to compound a problem that may or may not exist.

Your best bet is to talk to the S-1 bubbas (preferably the chief) at OCS. They'll give you the straight dope. Their number should be on the OCS site, or you could call the Quantico switchboard and get it.


Hangar Four
SgtUSMC said:
I guess my question was precisely whether or not that since I am out would I not rate any of that which you specified above? Were those priors to whom you are referring in the IRR or completely discharged when they went to OCS? The impression I got from my OSOs office was that since I got out in '03 I did not rate anything and just wanted to double check because there is obviously a huge difference in pay. I was not concerned with medical for me, but rather my family, because COBRA is a rip and I am taking a huge pay cut for 10 weeks if I don't rate that stuff.

I definately would not want to screw over any reserve units, but the way I figure you are not screwing a command, but rather the command is giving to the Corps another potential officer - the Corps always gets theirs in the end in my experience, plus the pay difference quite frankly is significant enough with a non-working spouse and a kid at home.

Thanks for your response.

Edit: Just to clarify, I did not do any kind of enlisted commissioning program, just served my time, got out and finished school. So really I am just a nasty civilian, although technically in the IRR.

Hmmm...ok, I am going to have to agree with Kbay on this one, you need to get the straight dope on this one from the source (either through your OSO calling up the chain or you calling straight to Quantico). I know how it works for priors who are coming from Active or Reserves but can't give you the specifics you need right now.

What I meant by screwing over your command is that if you go Reserve you will be filling a billet for a shot period of time and then you will be leaving. That unit then has to "hunt" for someone to fill that billet again when you leave, who they then have to retrain on it. Again just my thoughts.


Super Moderator
SGTUSMC, I was in the same situation you are. You get E-5 with your years and no BAH. I was also in the IRR but when I took oath for the PLC program I was automatically discharged from the IRR.


Registered User
I was in the same situation when I went through OCS. I was a Sgt when I got out and was in the IRR when I went into the PLC progam. You rate E5 with years of service and you get BAH for your home of record (wherever your wife is living) unless they changed the rules within the last two or three years. I don't know about the discharge from the IRR when entering PLC. Don't remember anything like that. I know active reserve guys are discharged from the enlisted ranks then sworn in at commissioning. I'd check with the RS admin section for exact details. Anyways, good luck and Merry Christmas. Enjoy the states... Iraq sucks.


Registered User
Thanks for all the responses gentlemen. I will hook up with the pay gurus at OCS. I appreciate it.

And a belated Merry Christmas to you cmdell and be safe.
