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Benjamin Klay's essay


New Member
Does anyone have a pdf copy of Benjamin Klay's essay The Spirit of Grand Strategy? He's a Yale Graduate who went through OCS and wrote a very good esssay about his experience. There is a link on Yale website but it's not working anymore.

about me: recently discharged from USMCR. MOS2111(armorer). I attempted OCS back in 1998 (I was in same company as Nathaniel Fick) but got sent home after week 5. Following year, I enlisted, went to bootcamp and loved the experience. Didn't think I was going to a war but then 9/11 happened and I got sent to Kuwait in March of 2003. I'm currently working in a comfy civilian job and grateful for the Corps for what it's taught me.


Steve Wilkins

Teaching pigs to dance, one pig at a time.
Super Moderator
I've been watching this thread hoping it would pop up. doesn't look like it's going to happen.
I put my Google Jedi powers to work a few days ago and found many references to the article....but no article was to be found.


New Member
My dad printed it out for me before I left for OCS 18 months ago. Let me check and see if he has it.


I'm not lazy, I'm disabled.
I also gave it a shot a few days ago and like Steve, only found a few people referencing the essay. I hope someone saved a copy.


Registered User

My googling skills > all :icon_wink

I hosted the pdf on one of my websites, so PLEASE don't go reposting this link. If you do, I'm going to be forced to pull it off. Thanks!

Link (Recommended to "right click -> save target as...")