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Best Binoculars for the $$$


It's gettin' a bit dramatic 'round here...
Super Moderator
One of the eye pieces on my old binocluars broke. So I'm looking to get a new pair of binocs.

General usage: On boat, at range, at birdfeeder.

Looking for something in the $100-200 price range.

Anyone got some binocs they really like?


VA...not so bad
Nikon Monarch ATB 10x42. For the money, very hard to beat. Gives you just about the best of power, clarity, and weight for the money. A bit more than your price at $270-$300, but worth it. I'm a big proponent of buying good glass if you're going to be looking through it for long periods of time (spotting/stalking mule deer out west).

Or, just buy the Zeiss, protect them with your life, and never buy another pair. They are worth every dollar.


Back from the range
Or, just buy the Zeiss, protect them with your life, and never buy another pair. They are worth every dollar./quote]

I have a pair of Leica Ultravids (http://us.leica-camera.com/sport_optics/ultravid_binoculars/ultravid_42_hd/) that are worth every penny (and they're about 150,000 pennies) but likely the best buy in binoculars right now for cost vs value are the Leupold Yosemite at about $95. You can get either 6x or 8x



is clara ship
Somewhat on subject, anyone have gouge for a good pair of stabilized binos? After lugging along the issue set from flight E (ginormous), I brought my own personal ones that were much much smaller and fit in my helmet bag for my low threat/talk-on CAS hop in the RAG. Only problem is that they were not stabilized so it made things a bit more challenging, even with baro hold and ATC engaged.


Back from the range

Cripes, you'd think after the number of posts I've done I'd be able to quote and then put in my own comments. :oops: