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best route for my situation??


New Member
How's it going everyone? This is my first post in a long time and honestly dont know where to go from here despite the situation I am in. I'm currently a student Sophomore (second semester) at ERAU and I really want to become a Naval Officer and hopefully a pilot. My gpa is only around a 2.8 and I am a non-tech major (Aero sci). I was in AFROTC my first year and dropped it because it took up too much time on top of flying every other day and then decided that I was going to put in a lot more effort to do NROTC but they said my math skills were too low (they wanted engineering math by my 2nd year) so I decided not to go that route either. So as it stands, I'm thinking OCS is most likely the best route for me. Honestly though, where my gpa stands, do you think I even have a chance of being accepted and not only that but getting a pilot slot? I've already made the committment to do whatever is required to get me commissioned since becoming a navy pilot has been a life long goal..just need a reality check i guess. Any ideas what I should do? Thanks for your time!

My package is pretty weak...
-GPA 2.8
-ERAU-Aero Sci major
-300 flight hours
-Frisbee club
-Decent shape (I can def improve though)
-so far dont think passing flight physical will be an issue..no allergies/asthma/eye problems/history of anything or height and weight issues


Well-Known Member
If you're too busy to deal with ROTC and you want to go the OCS route you should look into BDCP, doesn't take up any time and you're getting paid to go to school. Your GPA isn't spectacular but the board will not look at just your GPA they will look at your package as a whole. That said try to improve it and make sure you do a killer job on the ASTB. Best of luck to you and there is a ton of gouge on here about the BDCP.


Working Class Bum
Super Moderator
You have lots of options. Consider BDCP, NROTC and then OCS.

BDCP: You may not be competitive, but if you don't try, then you'll never know. Contact an OFFICER recruiter in your area.

NROTC: As long as you have not been associated with the NROTC, then you are still elgible for a 2 year scholarship. You are not required to finish CALC or PHYSICS. Talk to the NROTC recruiting officer about this option. During the summer you'd have to attend NSI then start your Junior year at the NROTC.

OCS: Graduate, then apply.

-ea6bflyr ;)


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
If you really want to get in the cockpit, get in gear then. Drop the time spent in the Frisbee Club and join/do something that shows leadership potential.


You have lots of options. Consider BDCP, NROTC and then OCS.

BDCP: You may not be competitive, but if you don't try, then you'll never know. Contact an OFFICER recruiter in your area.

NROTC: As long as you have not been associated with the NROTC, then you are still elgible for a 2 year scholarship. You are not required to finish CALC or PHYSICS. Talk to the NROTC recruiting officer about this option. During the summer you'd have to attend NSI then start your Junior year at the NROTC.

OCS: Graduate, then apply.

-ea6bflyr ;)

I assisted the Recruiting Officer when I was stashed at NROTC. If you explore the 2 year deal, do it with diligence, but place more emphasis on your other options. Two year scholarships are fairly rare and geared more toward people with very strong resumes as very few are given out every year (HOWEVER, this could possibly be because not many people apply. I do not know the application stats). Also, the boards prefer people who have completed calc and physics, although not required.

Some people will probably criticize me because I don't have the stats right here to substantiate this, but 6 months ago this was the case. I can try and contact the RO and ask if he still has the "quota" letter.

Again, don't rule anything out, GET YOUR GPA UP, and pick an option that fits you. Be ready to make sacrifices if you really want it.


New Member
thanks everyone for the replys. I appreciate it! Yeah i could care less about the money I just want to find a way to commission. Sounds to me like I better jump on this ASAP if i decide to go NROTC but in the meantime I guess ill just focus on grades and shoot for OCS. If I have to take high level math for ROTC it will be a closed option for me haha.:icon_smil

What kind of gpa should i shoot for as a minimum for OCS? Prob a 3.5 plus? Your talkin to a guy that rarely has had above a 3.0 in high school and college lol


Well-Known Member
What kind of gpa should i shoot for as a minimum for OCS? Prob a 3.5 plus? Your talkin to a guy that rarely has had above a 3.0 in high school and college lol

The best you can possibly do! ;)

Search the past boards, you'll see stats of people that have been accepted. I saw at least one 2.8, so its possible. The more you improve on your grades, the more probable it will become.

Incidentally, do you happen to go to Pitt or CMU?


Working Class Bum
Super Moderator
High School does not equal college. I graduated HS with a 2.5; I graduated college with a 3.53. It's all about motivation.

-ea6bflyr ;)


New Member
haha im not going to drop frisbee club!! Come on its even more bada*s than football or soccer.

but ya anyways I think I'll just focus on the grades for now and if they are decent I'll apply for OCS when I get out. I was talking to someone today about BDCP and they told me I was no where close to being competitive enough when looking at my gpa and xc activities ect.

thanks again everyone...cheers


I'm a big proponent of the BDCP route. E-3 pay is a pretty sweet deal. Let me explain what I've been doing over spring break to sell you on why you should go BDCP.

I reserved some very nice Coast Guard A-Frames at Lake Tahoe for 3 nights. 150 bucks.

I rented some skis and poles from Travis AFB for 26 bucks for a weekend and some change.

Oh and then I skiied for FREE, yes FREE at the following ski resorts...Homewood, Alpine Meadows, and Squaw Valley. Now you may not be a winter sports type but the benefits of being AD are pretty doggone sweet.

On top of that I'm holding down a second job which is making the deal even sweeter.

NROTC is a great way to go if you need your school paid for. But if you've got it all locked down already go BDCP.


Will Over Skill
Would just like to add my 2cents here..

I am in a similar situation as you (The OP). We have almost the same GPA only different degrees (I am poly sci) and it sounds like I got a little more work experience and Navy background (I apologize if I am incorrect and you do have military background). Anyhow I submitted my package for the 2yr NROTC app just recently. I figured it was the best route to go for ME personally esp. already knowing the ropes and drawing my GI Bill to offset my job if selected. Since the deadline is over for that I would strongly suggest looking into BDCP. If for some chance my NROTC app falls through I will be knocking on the Officer recruiters door the next day to get the ball rolling.

BDCP is a hell of a deal , get a decent little paycheck e-3 (and up to e-5 I believe if you refer others) , college taken care of and you get a better selection of designators as opposed to ROTC. Only reason I did not go BDCP first is because NROTC deadline was first.