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Better Time for Running???

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Registered User
As many of you know my fate for this round of OCS selections...

However, I need help to improve my run time.
This seem to be working for me. I pick the pace time I want (7:00 min Mile) I run that for .5 mile to start with and I am extending it .2 miles each week.. Does this sound go to go or could I run into problems??



Registered User
I suggest increasing your distance, shoot for a 4 or 5 mile run. After you are comfortable with it, then increase your pace. Doing this will increase your endurance as well as dwarf the 1.5 prt. Also, I like to explore while I run. Sometimes running the same path can be boring, therefore, change your path, keep feeding your mind. Focus on what may be around that next curve. Before you know it you will have gone far.

When you get close to finish give it all you got. I find that it is mostly in the mind (not trying to go ZEN on you). Hope this helps.

Adam O


Registered User
I agree with that. I haven't done the 1.5 mile run since I took my PRT in December. I try to do 4 or 5 miles a day at least 4 days a week. I agree that if you don't change your route, the trip can get monotonous. Its good to get out of the city and find some open space with some hills and wildlife to run in. Don't know if that applies to you or not, but living in Kansas, its not too tough for me to find countryside. Beats hitting the pavement every day too. Good luck.



Registered User
I don't know how you change your route in Kansas, you can stand in one spot and see the whole state... Sorry, had to be said. You can send your Texas cracks this way.


Registered User
Personally, If I was gearing up for the PRT I wouldnt be practicing my longer runs (at this point). Practice for your needs(specifically) right now. After the PRT - train for the longer runs and also going back to your 1.5 mile speed work once a week.

A good way to pick the pace up on your 1.5 mile runs is to run the whole 1.5 miles not matter what. During that time, you want to mix in some speed bursts. Commonly known in the "running world" and interval training. So i guess a good start would be to run your 1.5 mile and for every minute that you run, double time for 20 seconds.

Remember your sit-ups and push ups are important as well. If a good PRT is your goal right now, dont worry about your mile swim in API right now. Concentrate on push-ups, sit-ups and running. The selection board doesnt care if you can run 6 miles at a snails pace, but you cant get a mile and a half in under 12.

Ed Williams

Registered User
RC is right. Work on some speed training, it will have immediate results on the 1.5. Espicially when you need to run that last hundren yards in 15 seconds. Good luck.


Registered User
A side note on the mile swim someone mentioned, remember a good song cause it gets REALLY boring! I did it in Aircrew school and if I wasn't getting kicked by someone in the pool, I would have dozed off ... LOL

Valion310 out-


Registered User
Just as a side note to this, can you guys tell me the time requirements on the PRT? It goes pushups-situps-run right? I want to start practicing every few days timing myself so if you know the req's it would help :) Thanks all!


Registered User
i think one of the other guys said that either pushups ups or sit-ups first and second, the run is always last.
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