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BI portion of ASTB suspended?

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Registered User
Found a link on the NOMI site that outlined a presentation given in early July covering the ASTB. According to what I've read, as of April 02 the PBI and the FOBI are no longer being used as predictors for success/attrition in flight training. It goes on to say that the validity of the predictive value of these scores has been approaching 0 over the last few years. Possible reasons (among others) are coaching by recruiters and "gaming" of the test by applicants.

Does this mean your scores in these sections are not considered when making a decission to accept/reject, or does it mean that the scores are a consideration in slection, but are just not considered reliable? Hope that question makes sense.

I'm taking the ASTB in a few days and my recruiter hasn't said anything about this. Just wondering if anyone else has any gouge on this.



OCC 186 Bound
I just spoke to my recruiter today and yes indeed, those bio sections are no longer a factor when considering an applicant's package. now you should obviously put an effort into those anyway just in case, as the navy is notorious for changing it's mind on a day to day basis! good luck on the ASTB.


Registered User
There is an Aviation Information part on the test that is exactly like the BI part they threw out, and they count that.


Coffee Drinker
Super Moderator
I thought there always was an aviation/nautical information section to the test. I think it had questions like "a delta wing is used for______" but I'm not too certain anymore. Anyone know the actual answer?


Registered User
Yeah, I had the minimum score for the BI for pilot, however was still too low for the panel, so I got NFO. Now that it's not a required score, I could re-apply for SNA, but I'll just wait for API.


Coffee Drinker
Super Moderator
Do you think it's going to be easy to switch from SNFO to SNP in API? I have heard how lately they are allowing that, but will it be that way in another 4 months?


Registered User
There is an aviation/nautical part and there is an aviation info part that is exactly like the BI part they threw out.


Registered User
So, just to get this straight:
there is(fill me in on the abbreviations please)
1xMath/Verbal Section
1xMechanical Aptitude Section(yuck)
1xBiographical Inventory
1xAviation/Nautical Aptitude Section
1xSpatial Perception Section

Is this correct?


Registered User

You are correct but there is another section called Aviation Information that is just like the bio. I was told they threw out the Bio part because it wasn't fair, but hell this section is the exact same kind of stuff. I think they count it towards your PAR.


Registered User
Yeah, you told me to be "aggressive", that shouldnt be hard :) I can honestly say that I do have that personality trait. The mechanical is freaking me out though!


Registered User
to switch from NFO to SNA requires the CO's approval and signature. another restriction is that you must be in the top of your API class. i don't think it happens too much.

Matt L.


Registered User
I heard that there is a 75% chance of me being bumped up during API. That's coming from a flight instructor down in P-cola, but that could also just be a number he pulled out of his ass.......


Registered User
Stegall is pretty gung-ho anyways, I am sure she will do fine :) I did go to the recruiter, btw, Shannon, talked with PO Epps-you know him?
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