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Binding Criticism

Just surfing the net and found an interesting follow up on those recent generals who "revolted" against Rumsfeld. I think this was also going around in forwarded emails as well. I have never read the book "Cobra II" but this write up by Gen Scales just might inspire me to investigate it. Pretty interesting perspective too, and I thought I would share :)

Binding Criticism


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goosegagnon2 said:
Just surfing the net and found an interesting follow up on those recent generals who "revolted" against Rumsfeld. I think this was also going around in forwarded emails as well. I have never read the book "Cobra II" but this write up by Gen Scales just might inspire me to investigate it. Pretty interesting perspective too, and I thought I would share :)

Binding Criticism
That's a great column that puts things in the proper historical perspective - something lost on most people these days. People seem to want quick and painless results without realizing that warfare of this kind and the accompanying nation building takes years to get right. In the post WWII period of reconstruction, no new democratic nation took fewer than 7 years to get back on its feet and most took longer. My only criticism for the administration has been their apparent inability to clearly communicate their intent and its supreme importance to the American people and the rest of the world.

their apparent inability to clearly communicate their intent

I agree, I think it makes the American people as whole look ignorant. It seems to me that the only thing the American public is concerned about is the death toll of American Airmen, Soliders, Sailors and Marines. They have every right too, but they need not lose the sight of the point of Iraq and Afghanistan or else those deaths will be in vain.

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
goosegagnon2 said:
I agree, I think it makes the American people as whole look ignorant. It seems to me that the only thing the American public is concerned about is the death toll of American Airmen, Soliders, Sailors and Marines. They have every right too, but they need not lose the sight of the point of Iraq and Afghanistan or else those deaths will be in vain.

Product of the media as well. Death toll numbers make wonderful senstational news.


Samsonite... I was WAY off!!
Brett327 said:
My only criticism for the administration has been their apparent inability to clearly communicate their intent and its supreme importance to the American people and the rest of the world.

I agree with you all. We deal with this everyday here at work... a lot of hope was/is going into Tony Snow and his ability to get out the message correctly and clearly. There is a lot of ground to make up and there is skepticism that it can be done not only by the mid-terms but even by the end of the President's term but I'm optimistic!


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Jameski said:
I agree with you all. We deal with this everyday here at work... a lot of hope was/is going into Tony Snow and his ability to get out the message correctly and clearly. There is a lot of ground to make up and there is skepticism that it can be done not only by the mid-terms but even by the end of the President's term but I'm optimistic!
I loved Tony on FOX and he's amazing as Press Secretary, but unfortunately it's a little too late at this point (horses, barn door, etc). McClellan was a bumbling idiot and his selection and longevity is indicative of just how screwed up the Admin's public communication strategy has been. Where was Tony Snow when Fleicher stepped down? I hope the Admin's bad experience lately serves as a lesson to future Republicans. As much as the press might be an irritant in some respects, the success or failure of an Admin. can ride on how effectively they use/relate to them.



Samsonite... I was WAY off!!
Yeah.... it is true that the President will leave the office with pretty low numbers, most likely nothing above 50% again. I agree... I think there would be a totally different game being played if Tony had taken over after Ari left. Hindsight is 20/20 I guess...


Brett327 said:
(Sott) McClellan was a bumbling idiot and his selection and longevity is indicative of just how screwed up the Admin's public communication strategy has been.....
That's no sh!t ... and I don't think Ari Fleischer was any better. I'm getting sooooooo sick of "Republicans" and the Republican political establishment these days ... gutless, poll-driven, mealy-mouthed apologists .... so where to go .... where to go .... ???

The World Wonders .... :icon_rast


Mongo only pawn, in game of life...
A4sForever said:
That's no sh!t ... and I don't think Ari Fleischer was any better. I'm getting sooooooo sick of "Republicans" and the Republican political establishment these days ... gutless, poll-driven, mealy-mouthed apologists .... so where to go .... where to go .... ???

I keep threatening to hang out my shingle as a "Republican Strategist" - I could drop acid and mushrooms simultaneously and come up with a more coherent PR strategy than the current Big Brains working the issues.

BTW, Scales is pretty sharp - he fits into the category of "people who I automatically read when I see their name as author", regardless of the subject matter.


Samsonite... I was WAY off!!
A4sForever said:
That's no sh!t ... and I don't think Ari Fleischer was any better. I'm getting sooooooo sick of "Republicans" and the Republican political establishment these days ... gutless, poll-driven, mealy-mouthed apologists .... so where to go .... where to go .... ???

The World Wonders .... :icon_rast

True that... and I even work for one! The Republican party has had such a great opportunity the past six years and while they have actually done a lot of good, it ISN'T TOLD to the American people. With an automatic liberal, far-left leaning press, the Republicans HAVE to play the offense in the media all the time... they haven't. And, the D's have done a GREAT job taking advantage of it and pretty much have run the agenda, at least in the media.


Is it baseball season yet?
On a semi-related note: Tommy Franks complemented Rummy and the Bush administration to the NRA in a speech this week, while actually saying that he is in the know with Rummy and spoke down on the generals against Rumsfield. I'll try to find the article...