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Bodyglide and Thorlos


Registered User
Just a note for all you 190 guys coming up here: Go find bodyglide before you come if you have a problem with blisters. I currently have about 3 weeks until graduation with Alpha Co. and the bodyglide/thorlo combo has saved my tail up here. I have only gotten one small blister about the size of a pencil diameter.

Since i have been here, I have seen some of the biggest/worst blisters ever. One guy in my platoon had a callus, got a blister underneth it and then got celulitious in it. He was put on bed rest for 2-3 days and then 2 days of LD. I have given the stuff to other guys in my platoon and after the first day of using it they are believers. So if you have a hard time with blisters, get the crap. The money you spend before OCS is more like an investment, the dividends are huge if you bring the right equipment.

Anyway, i'll be out in a few weeks and i'll answer any questions anyone has. If they haven't been answered already :-p

Semper Fi.

Candidate Showalter, 2'nd Platoon, Alpha Co.
"Second to None"

Steve Wilkins

Teaching pigs to dance, one pig at a time.
Super Moderator
Yea, you might want to bring some of that too. :icon_smil



Registered User
I'll second that! Im here as well in Alpha, and it those two has worked wonders! Only thing I'd add to the list is nylon socks to wear underneath as liner socks. These things wil save your tail!!!!

Cand Butler, Alpha 3.


Just a B guy.
KY is key. You will need it for at OCS, and throughout your career every time the Corps gives you the big green weenie.

But really, I never got blisters to speak of (I think I had one on the outside of one toe once) at OCS. I just used Thorlo or friction-free fox-river socks. Sometimes I would do the double layer sock set-up, but usually just the one sock per foot was fine.

If you have really sensitive feet, popular consensus was the thin-under-thick sock set-up.


Registered User
LMAO! I don't think there has been a single post on AW that did not turn into a runaway joke forum and I just find it absolutely hilarious. I guess a good joke or two can't hurt.

I never used any type of lube while I was at OCS. I just doubled up on the socks and made it through without little or no damage to my feet. Goodluck.