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Broken bones and screws


New Member
I applied for and got the 4 year scholarship pending my medical exam. Last year, I broke my 5th metatarsal in my right foot and had a screw put in it. It healed 100 percent and I dont really even know its there anymore. Then earlier this year I broke the same bone but on my left foot. Again, I had surgery to get a screw put it and it should heal 100 percent just like the last one. I have to send in all medical records on my feet. Should I be concerned about not being medically cleared? Even if I am clearned for NROTC, do screws make me unable to apply for flight school?


I have three pieces of hardware in my right wrist. You should have no problems whatsoever clearing NOMI. I called prior to my surgery and was told that as long as I recovered range of motion (since the surgery was a joint repair) that I would be fine.

Don't sweat it. Heal fast.


Really old guy
Tex, he has probably heard them all.

Kirtap, Lots of us fly/flew (my case) with rods, pins, screws, etc. The docs will ask you about it...things to be of concern are, as MB said, full ROM and being without symptoms. I see no problems.


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
Tex, he has probably heard them all.

Kirtap, Lots of us fly/flew (my case) with rods, pins, screws, etc. The docs will ask you about it...things to be of concern are, as MB said, full ROM and being without symptoms. I see no problems.

^^^ He would know...but what are you doing to yourself that you keep breaking bones and needing screws???


Well-Known Member
Yeah definately nothing to worry about......3 plates.......16 screws in my face....orbit none-the-less.....not even a waiver...could've cared less.


New Member
The docs will ask you about it...things to be of concern are, as MB said, full ROM and being without symptoms.

Yeah, with my first surgery, like I said, complete recovery without any symptoms. Maybe tingles a little before a big storm, but then again, maybe that makes me all the more valuable to the Navy. :icon_smil

...but what are you doing to yourself that you keep breaking bones and needing screws???

What I tell people is that I'm just a very active kid. My first time, I was playing soccer and got into a bad tackle and walked off the field. The trainer told me to walk it off. Got it x-rayed the next day when it was the size of a softball. Doctor says I was probably playing on a stress fracture for awhile.

Second time I was out snowboarding. On one of the first runs the nose of my board got stuck soft snow on a carve and stopped. I, however, kept going. Hence the broken foot. The good thing was I knew it was broken right away from past experience...

Thanks for the info guys.


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
Yeah definately nothing to worry about......3 plates.......16 screws in my face....orbit none-the-less.....not even a waiver...could've cared less.

Sure, no sweat....
