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Buy a Car, get a gun free!


Solidly part of the 42%.
Reminds me of that one sgement in Bowling for Columbine where the BANK was giving away shotguns for opening a certain kind of account. I mean really, a bank...giving away shotguns right there on the premises.

Still, I see nothing wrong with offering firearms as an incentive. A gun that will last forever is way better than 3 tanks of gas.


Yeah, well. The Dude abides.
Doesn't this contribute to our already deplorable crime problem? The owner of the car dealership has a point that it is a free country, but I just think that it is bad taste on his part.


Solidly part of the 42%.
Doesn't this contribute to our already deplorable crime problem? The owner of the car dealership has a point that it is a free country, but I just think that it is bad taste on his part.




Back from the range
Reminds me of that one sgement in Bowling for Columbine where the BANK was giving away shotguns for opening a certain kind of account. I mean really, a bank...giving away shotguns right there on the premises.

Woops, my bad! I reread and realize you were mocking that POS Michael Moore.


I believe nicotine + caffeine = protein
That article is a little short sided. I heard the owner, Mark Muller on a radio talk show the other night. The article makes it sound like he is just another anti-Obama mid-west conservative, but that is just not the case. He talked about how he bought some serious acreage (1000+) out there in the Butler, MO area and how they had to literally burn down all the batches of weed and meth manufacturing huts all over his property. The meth heads then went on to do numerous drive-bys on his house and threaten his family. He eventually had to turn to private security.

With meth addiction continuing to grow in the Butler area, the ice heads go to greater lengths to get money to pay for it. That means robbing anyone at anytime - home, car, on the street, etc... Mark Muller and many others feel the best way for one to defend themselves and their families against people who would "slit their own mothers throats for another hit of meth" (quote from an ice head) is to be armed.

I'm disappointed (but not surprised) the BBC made this story into "just another gun toting, God fearing inbred against the Savior Obama" (ok, maybe I read more into it, but thats how I see it :))


Nice job of the BBC twisting this story around to depict us as "gun crazy Americans". When I read about this yesterday on CNN it stated that purchasers would be given a check which they could put toward the purchase of a gun.


Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
Reminds me of that one sgement in Bowling for Columbine where the BANK was giving away shotguns for opening a certain kind of account. I mean really, a bank...giving away shotguns right there on the premises.

Still, I see nothing wrong with offering firearms as an incentive. A gun that will last forever is way better than 3 tanks of gas.
WRONG. You've fallen victim to more of Michael Moore's crap. It's been documented that the bank never gave away the guns on the premises, but made an exception for Moore because he was a Hollywood celebrity with a camera crew. So of course he distorts this to mock the bank and gun culture as being stupid enough to give away the means to rob a bank in the bank itself.

nzachman said:
Doesn't this contribute to our already deplorable crime problem? The owner of the car dealership has a point that it is a free country, but I just think that it is bad taste on his part.
No, assholes who think the law doesn't apply to them contribute to our crime problem. And to say that "we" as a country have a deplorable crime problem is an overgeneralization. Some areas do, no doubt. Where I live is really quite safe.

While we're at it, why are guns in "bad taste" now? What is intrinsically wrong or evil about a 9.5 lb wood and metal machine? I can give you 5 examples of guns which do not contribute to the "crime problem." They're locked in a safe in my home. If I had 15, the world wouldn't suddenly be more dangerous. If I had 10,000 rounds of ammo, ditto. In fact, you could argue that it would be a SAFER place, because more guns were in the hands of someone who took proper care of them and locked them away when not in use. But I guess to some liberals, those guns are "on the streets," ready for some gangbanger or meth-head to mug someone with, assuming they don't "go off" and kill someone all by themselves.

Ah, well. I can deal with "bad taste." I watch pro wrestling, for God's sake. I guess between that and the guns I should be living in a trailer in West Virginia instead of being a military officer with a college degree.:D


Solidly part of the 42%.
For the record, I didn't know the bank thing was staged, but I thought it was kinda cool. I was duped, but not in the way Moore wanted me to be.


Well-Known Member
There is a Realtor in Augusta that does much the same thing. If you are a certified LEO and you buy or sell a home with her, you get a coupon for a Glock.

The only person to complain was a certain far left Realtor who has took her complaint all the way to the ATF. Their response; " Sounds like a good idea, Good Luck with your sales. "


Well-Known Member
Funny enough when my boss heard about this his first question to me was "Do you have an FFL?" Because we are getting absolutely no traction of this pathetic 2.99 gas program that Chrysler LLC seems to think will somehow be better than rebates up front.


Super Moderator
The article makes it sound like he is just another anti-Obama mid-west conservative, but that is just not the case. He talked about how he bought some serious acreage (1000+) out there in the Butler, MO area and how they had to literally burn down all the batches of weed and meth manufacturing huts all over his property. The meth heads then went on to do numerous drive-bys on his house and threaten his family. He eventually had to turn to private security.

Eh, sounds a bit like a blowhard.