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Can I fly jets?

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New Member
I'm an intel. analyst in the Army and waiting for the Nov. warrant officer board results. I'm trying to become a helicopter pilot, and in doing so I had PRK to correct my eyes. If i get in, I will have to sign up for an additional six years in the Army and which time I will be about 28 or so when I can get out. By that time I will have finished my BS degree. My question is: when I leave the Army can I come straight into the Navy to fly jets off of carriers or what? Do I need any age or PRK waivers? Any help/info is appriciated


Hangar Four
There is no guarentee that you will get jets. Assuming that everything goes as you say it is planned now then yes you might be able get an air contract in the Navy. Then of course you would have to attend API, followed by Primary (you can read about those in the respective areas on this forum). From there you will be able to request Jets and if your grades are good enough and the Navy wants you to fly jets then yeah you can fly jets...or at least progress to that stage of training. There is however an equally possible chance of selecting Helos, and then as you can imagine you would go that way....

As far as the switch from a WO in the Army to an officer in the Navy, well you might still have to attend OCS for the Navy, not sure about that though, others can answer better for you.


yes, yes I am, but I have quite a few hours flying both fixed and rotary wing out in the regular world and hands down I prefer helos over the rest

that makes sense, fixed wing in the 'regular world' is definetly something you can compare flying tactical jets off carriers to.


Well-Known Member
that makes sense, fixed wing in the 'regular world' is definetly something you can compare flying tactical jets off carriers to.
Here we go again... Is it time to start breaking out the rulers? Or will all you jet guys just go ahead and admit that helo guys are hung like sperm whales...


Internet killed the television star
that makes sense, fixed wing in the 'regular world' is definetly something you can compare flying tactical jets off carriers to.

humor, and sarcasm, in my original post, was apparently lost in translation....i'll work harder at that next time


Super *********
Super Moderator
I'm sensing a lot of ego and maybe some hurt ego in this thread. For the original poster, you may not fly jets unless you say the magic word.


Here we go again... Is it time to start breaking out the rulers? Or will all you jet guys just go ahead and admit that helo guys are hung like sperm whales...

believe me, I don't want to partake in one of these stupid jet/helo go arounds again, I was just pointing out that his frame of reference, civilian fixed wing, was not a good comparison to flying military jets. Flying civilian helos is also a poor comparison to flying helos in the military, so I think his advice is suspect all the way around. sperm whales, nice:D

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
I'm sensing a lot of ego and maybe some hurt ego in this thread. For the original poster, you may not fly jets unless you say the magic word.

Yep, like nocal, has nothing to do with jets vs helos. It has to do with talking smack without credibility and having no frame of reference for military jet flying.


Super *********
Super Moderator
Yep, like nocal, has nothing to do with jets vs helos. It has to do with talking smack without credibility and having no frame of reference for military jet flying.

........that and the ego thing :icon_smil Afterall, please point out the smack talking. I would suspect civilian helo flying is nothing like flying a military helo as well. Leave the ego out and delicate feelings may not get hurt.
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