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Can I get some advice on what to disclose at dodmerbs?

The Story: When I was 8, my allergies were flaring up at Pop Warner football practice. My mom explained my symptoms to my pediatrician and he though I had Reactive Airway Disease. I used an inhaler for a month for the rest of the season and completely stopped after that, and never used one since. Many years later I talked to my pediatrician about it and he told me that there was nothing wrong with me and my allergies had just been particularly bad that year. He told me it was "water under the bridge" and in his medical opinion I never had reactive airway disease. When filling out the dodmerbs medical history sheet, should I disclose this information? Thanks, sorry for the stupid question...:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
There isn't a waiver for lack of integrity.

I disclosed headaches, concussions, surgeries and serious digestive issues. I also had to go to several doctors at OCS because of a weird urine test and supposed GERD (long story). I got through. If you are healthy enough you will do fine, if not you won't. But that is not up to you.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure your allergies will never get worse again, thus negating the need for you to do what it says on the damn form and disclose this stuff.
I don't think he's talking about the allergies. I think he's talking about the Reactive Airway Disease.

I'm with FlyBoyd on this one. If you don't have something, and you're misdiagnosed, why do you have to disclose that you had something that you didn't have?


Well-Known Member
I'm going to side with Boyd on this.
He needs to be FORMALLY misdiagnosed then-Not just word of mouth told "You're fine". If RAD is in his old paperwork and it gets seen- The comment about "no waiver for lack of integrity" comes into play. Go to the same doctor and get "tested" again and have it written off as a bad diagnosis or cleared up or whatever.


My NROTC LT (pilot) told all of us going for Flight Physicals to not disclose anything that has not formally been documented, even if you've had the condition. I don't think that's an integrity issue...


Well-Known Member
There is a big difference between telling the Navy you have migraines when you just looked up the symptoms on WebMD and telling the Navy when a doctor told you you had RAD, even if a different doctor told you otherwise.


Well-Known Member
I had a doctor (Navy) tell me I had prostate cancer, and I got medevac'd off the boat.

Turns out the doctor was WAY wrong, and I had a bad infection, not cancer.

I guess I'm lying by not checking "Cancer" on my annual flight physical, because one doctor said I had it, and tests and two other doctors proved otherwise, with the way some of you interpret shit.


Well-Known Member
I don't check that I had GERD even though I have a waiver, because that was a misdiagnosis. But everything they need to know why I didn't check it is in my medical record.

I just think he needs to make sure that he has something to back up his claim that it was a misdiagnosis, since it isn't clear that he has something in his record saying that.

I don't know, full disclosure is just how I would do it, especially on the first one. But I'm new and don't really know much more than my experience, so...
I'm going to disclose that I have allergies because there is a question on the form that deals with that. The problem is that there is no question on there that directly asks you if you've ever had Reactive Airway Disease. There is a question that states: have you ever had or have now "Asmtha or wheezing" but no mention of my certain diagnosis.