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Can I resubmit?

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I may not have approached my question the right way earlier, but what I am trying to find out is what I can do to make this happen (if nothing, I need to know that too). I have read in here of people having to resubmit their packages numerous times before being selected, but my recruiter didn't seem to think there was any point right now. I guess if they are full, they're full. I'm prepared to push as much as possible, but I don't want to be banging my head on the proverbial "wall" either. If any of you have any suggestions, they would be much appreciated.



Registered User

Have you talked to a recruiter in Atlanta? If so, which one? I'm also in ATL and have gone through the process, so I might be able to help with questions.

Are you going for NFO or SNA?

Just make a post and I can try to help! ;)



Yes, I'm working with a recruiter in Atlanta. I've been very pleased with the way they have handled my package so far, I just want to figure out what I should do on Monday when I go talk with them. I'm trying for a pilot slot (SNA). Do I need to change anything to send the package again? I was pretty happy with my ASTB scores, so I probably won't take that again but I'll do what I need to do. I hope it was more a matter of timing than anything else that kept me from being selected.

Thank you for any suggestions you've got.



Registered User
I'm also in ATL working w/ Chief Parrish. She has been pretty good. I'm still working on my app. and waiting out the PRK. I've been pleased so far.


Dave Shutter

Registered User
First off, re-submission is always an option, don't let them tell you it's pointless or out of the question, it's your career. When I was first rejected they didn't even want to talk to me anymore, after I twisted their arms to re-submit they told that requesting NFO was my only choice, and a slim one at that. I didn't listen to that either and now I'm on my way to Primary in Whiting. The hard thing about being rejected is they don't tell you why, unless it's a medical reason. In my case I had the benefit of a loudmouth processor who lived to tell the Officer recruiters when they screwed up. That's the only reason I knew my BI score wasn't high enough, something I could fix. Otherwise I would have been clueless and when they told me to take a hike I probably would have. If your scores were good and everything else was competitive then unfortunately it may just be a tight year, they can't fill holes they don't have, no matter how good you look. There's not a lot you can do in that case but keep trying. Good luck.


Registered User
I am working with the Atlanta recruiter as well and have been told on numerous occassions that I would have a better chance of being selected as an SNA than as an Intelligence Officer. I have been told that the Navy is in desparte need of pilots, more so than any other billet in the Navy. Proverbial smoke up my butt--I do not know but very intriguing to say the least. In all actuality, your academic scores may not be competitive enough. Continue to push the recruiter to resubmit your package--my recruiter has told me it could take me several attempts to get selected. If anything--look at the Marine Corps because they use the same qualification tests for their applicants as well, although their scoring requirements are a little more competitive than the Navy's.


Registered User
I am working with the Atlanta recruiter as well and have been told on numerous occassions that I would have a better chance of being selected as an SNA than as an Intelligence Officer. I have been told that the Navy is in desparte need of pilots, more so than any other billet in the Navy. Proverbial smoke up my butt--I do not know but very intriguing to say the least. In all actuality, your academic scores may not be competitive enough. Continue to push the recruiter to resubmit your package--my recruiter has told me it could take me several attempts to get selected. If anything--look at the Marine Corps because they use the same qualification tests for their applicants as well, although their scoring requirements are a little more competitive than the Navy's.


Registered User
Intel is more competitive in the sense that I think there are only about 85 billets a year for this (please correct me if i'm wrong). so on a numbers basis, yes, chances are much better getting picked up for SNA. anyhoo, just my .02

Matt L.


Registered User
Matt, you're right, the Intel. community is very limited in billets. I'm an IS w/ a degree in pol. science from a good school and couldn't get an Intel. Billet. Not too much smoke being blown about that.

And to everyone else...are there enough of us in ATL?!?!



Registered User
Where does everyone live, work, go to/went to school etc..? There are a lot of us.

I live in Virginia Highlands, work at ASA at Hartsfield, went to school at UGA (Go Dawgs!) and high school at Central Gwinnett. My current status is waiting out my PRK waiver. I have about a month and a half before I can submit my package. I have my rec's done, and the Meps visit complete w/ the exception of the EKG. I still need to do the PRT and finish the ESPQ (what a pain). My recruiter in ATL Chief Parrish. She has been good, but at times hard to get in touch with.

Has anyone done the PRT yet? If so, where was it conducted and what was the sequence? I need to be getting prepared for it, but by the time I get in from work I'm about dog tired.

Let me know about the rest of you ATL guys and your status.



Registered User
The PRT is almost always in the order: Sit-ups, push-ups then run. Sometimes sit-ups and push-ups get switched, but the run is always last.


Registered User
To All Atlanta Applicants:

I live in Marietta and I am waiting out a waiver but still keeping up the physical routine. Anyone out there interested in getting together to PT? There is a great river trail near my house--which most people know about anyway--but it is also where they make you do the PRT so you can get use to the course. I run between three and four times a week-I try and do two laps, which is 6 miles. Plus it would be beneficial for all of us to share information so we stay ahead of the game. If anyone is interested send me an email kraemer_st@hotmail.com .

Good Luck,

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