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Carrier Operations in HIGH Swells at sea


Well-Known Member
I have seen these videos before but I can't remember if it was on AW or not...

I got an email with the two videos below today and thought I would post and share what he wrote.

"I was launched once and retrieved once...in the calmest of seas. I stood on the bridge during night ops several times, and I watched pilots on their third attempts. Just being there and watching was totally unnerving. I can't imagine the stress of trying to jockey one of those things to a safe landing in the middle of the night on a deck that was jumping up and down and sideways, too! The deck of a carrier is 92 feet above sea level...when all is calm. More than once I watched the bow bury itself in the waves and throw water 200 feet into the air as it came back up. I loved being at sea. I'm glad to be home with my sweet bride, but I will always remember--and miss--my years at sea."

These videos show the difference between Naval Aviation and any other kind. The links below are two outstanding videos about F-18 carrier operations aboard the USS Nimitz during weather that causes a severely pitching deck, which you can see in the videos. It's more dangerous than most combat missions and the tension in the pilots and crew is very apparent. Watch Part 1 first, then Part 2. Great videos.

Part One http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=4gGMI8d3vLs

Part Two http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=S0yj70QbBzg