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Chances of going to Test Pilot School?


New Member
I'm applying to OCS (OCC) and it's been a long-term goal of mine to attend USNTPS (or alternatively USAF TPS). I have a BSc in Aerospace Engineering. I don't intend to sound arrogant or pretentious with this question, and I know I've got a lot of work to do.

1. What are the chances, as a Marine pilot, to attend TPS?
2. What are the preferred requirements to go to TPS? IIRC the minimums are 1000 hrs PIC, >3.0 GPA, and a STEM degree.
3. Is it common to attend TPS as a Field Grade? I've looked at some graduation pics and all the Marine graduates are Majors, with few exceptions such as an LtCol here and there and a Captain once in a million years
4. Is there any relevant difference between fixed and rotary for TPS selection?
5. Are there "non-written" requirements that a pilot should/must have to go to TPS?
6. On average, how many hours does a pilot need to be selected?
7. Do you need a certain number of deployments or particular experiences/tours?

Thanks ;)


is clara ship
3. Is it common to attend TPS as a Field Grade? I've looked at some graduation pics and all the Marine graduates are Majors, with few exceptions such as an LtCol here and there and a Captain once in a million years

Can't speak to most of the rest of this, but even 15 years ago, with a shorter time to train, most guys were fresh Captains by the time they even made it to the (VMFA) FRS. Some even towards the end of advanced/flight school if they had been held up for any significant amount of time (med down, etc). You all have TBS + potentially long wait to start API/NIFE, then the normal syllabus which can take a long time for VT-J. In Zone O-4 promotion happens at about year 10, so it wouldn't surprise me at all that most of the grads (following a one year course), were fresh Majors. Not sure if the USMC does merit re-order for promotions like we do, but that could shave a year off that number as well.


Making Recruiting Great Again
You aren't even commissioned yet?

You are WAY over your skis.

Focus on something a little more "near term" Answering your questions is a waste of time for you... and the person answering them.

I got roasted for saying the same thing on a similar post about someone wanting to be stationed in Korea.


Well-Known Member
Hey, a guy can dream.

You've got the STEM degree, the next thing to do is to excel in all your jobs and trainings, and never give up hope. If TPS doesn't work out, there's always a staff job in Korea.


Frightening children with the Griz-O-Copter!
Before you get to TPS…Test Pilot School…you need to get through…

TBS…Toleration of Bull Shit
API…Another Pointless Interruption
NIFE…Nothing Involving Flying Enjoyment
VT-P…Vacation Time - Primary
VT-J…Various Timeline - Junkyjet
HT…Happy Time
FRS…Fuckin’ Real Stuff

After that it all goes to hell but it’s something like…Flying, Agony Ashore, Flying, Agony at Sea, THEN..Test Pilot School.

I’m not sure what happens next, but I think it involves the airlines.


Low calorie attack from the Heartland
I'm applying to OCS (OCC) and it's been a long-term goal of mine to attend USNTPS (or alternatively USAF TPS). I have a BSc in Aerospace Engineering. I don't intend to sound arrogant or pretentious with this question, and I know I've got a lot of work to do.

1. What are the chances, as a Marine pilot, to attend TPS?
2. What are the preferred requirements to go to TPS? IIRC the minimums are 1000 hrs PIC, >3.0 GPA, and a STEM degree.
3. Is it common to attend TPS as a Field Grade? I've looked at some graduation pics and all the Marine graduates are Majors, with few exceptions such as an LtCol here and there and a Captain once in a million years
4. Is there any relevant difference between fixed and rotary for TPS selection?
5. Are there "non-written" requirements that a pilot should/must have to go to TPS?
6. On average, how many hours does a pilot need to be selected?
7. Do you need a certain number of deployments or particular experiences/tours?

Thanks ;)

Nobody can tell you honestly what your chances would be, other than 0% if you don't get the required experience and then apply. For the rest of your questions, most of it gets answered during the course of flight school and your first operational tour- which is the foundation for meeting the requirements to be selected for USNTPS. Go to flight school and kick ass, otherwise the rest of it won't matter. You'll learn what you need to along the way.

In the meantime, I suggest doing your own research. You've got years to learn, gain experience, and adjust course as needed. Here are a couple of links to get you started:

This one's Navy, but doesn't require a CAC to access. The USMC TPS questionnaire is not publicly available, but you can view it later if/when that might apply to you:

Good luck!