hey Dave, what is 4th week rlp?
Ok, I lied. Your 4'th week RLP (you'll have another on the 9'th) is your first major graded event as individuals and a class, besides the History test at the end of week two (academics have been overhauled, so it may have changed). There used to be some pictures of it on the old OCS page. Candidates calmy standing in position while DI's quitely do their inspection. Here's a little secret...you won't see any of that. You will get a nice full body workout though. Besides that I don't want to give away too much of the fun.
Basically it's a detailed inspection of you and your locker in two parts. They'll call for you to stand-by and you'll wait, and sweat, and wait some more. Then Class Officers appear, inspect your uniform and some shiny trinkets you'll arrange in a nice row on your desk while asking you three simple questions. Every thing that's wrong is a hit. Then they go away and you wait some more as those Officer work their way down the hall. At this point you'll hear what the DI's are doing in the room next to you while you wait your turn. When they show up the real fun starts. They go through you wall locker and bed display. Every little thing that's wrong here is also a hit. Get enough hit's and you fail individually. Your class get's enough hits and you fail as a whole. You are now "Un-secured".
Basically it's a lesson in team work and uniformity. If you have a bunch of people in your class that aren't team players, or priors that don't take it seriously, you won't be leaving base any time soon. It's not as grueling an experience as say...getting all four wisdom teeth out in one sitting by an Army Dentist (boy...was that fun) but you'll psyche yourself out more than anything worrying about it until it the day because weekend liberty is on the line. Double the worry/stress factor if you have wife and kids. If you do pass and secure, while you and your classmates are having cold ones downtown, I guarantee you won't be able to stop laughing about what went on.
...after the smoke settles of course.