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Registered User
This guy says I was lucky I was accepted for OCS! What an A-Hole!!

GM2(SW) Hosehead


Registered User
Oh man! You laid the smack down. hehe I'm looking foreward to reading his response. That's if he has the cajones to say something. I'm sure he smelt what the gunner was cookin'.



Registered User
Hi, this is my first post, though I have been a long-time reader here. I also often read the posts at military.com. Having said that, I think that you may have overreacted to his response. I believe the individual is a LCDR or probably senior 0-3. As such, I am sure he has a good frame of reference. All I believe he was trying to say is that getting accepted into a commissioning program while on active duty is much more difficult than Joe College walking in off the street and applying for OCS. Your own experience seems to bear this point out. Of course, he might have been able to express that a little better!

Dave Shutter

Registered User
Gunner...what this gentleman seems oblivious to is that not everyone has to oppurtunity to go straight to college right out of high school. Everyone and their dog goes to college these days, financial aid is a nightmare, scholarships are far and few between and people with great HS grades are having trouble getting accepted to ordinary colleges. If this individual was super squared away and got into the Academy, ROTC or a scholarship then kudos for him; if not then most likely Mommy and Daddy took care of college for him and he had no worries. Easy for him to say that: going enlisted if you ultimately want to fly is a waste of time. Maybe in his own little world everyone who wants a college education gets magically wisked away to a spawling campus but not all of us have that option. Doing an enlisted tour to broaden your experience and get college money is a great way to go. He said you were lucky to get in as a prior? Yeah...right! That's why more than half my OCS class was prior service. That's why they have age waivers so priors can get into cockpits and that's why prior service on an app is a huge gold star. If I woke up tommorrow in the body of my 17 year old self, in 1990, the only thing I'd do differently is invest in Yahoo. What do you think John???

Edited by - Dave Shutter on 05/24/2002 00:32:39
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