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Air candidate 188
OK, I've herad a lot about chits, and dont want to ask my OSO (he wants us to go through other sources first for small matters such as these) and I am having problems emailing my pool leaders so my question is...

What do they give you chits for? everything? failing to sound off? falling behind on a run? getting your squad killed on an exercise? Just want to know how easy/hard it is to earn these demerits.


Registered User
Chits are given when you fail any "event" or test. If you fall out of a run, fail a test, fail a graded pt event etc. Essays are usually given for things like failure to sound off.


Registered User
We got occasional chits for failure to follow simple instructions. The two that I can think of are not having our campstool legs pointing in the same direction on our packs and not writing our essays properly.


Registered User
Not all chits are adverse - they also give chits for things like marked improvement or exceptional performance. The vast majority of chits are given out for deficiencies though - I only know of one instance that a cand. got a positive chit.


Registered User
So long as you aren't retarded your chits will
be meaningless. My whole platoon had at least two group chits so I wouldn't worry too much. Personalized chits are bad though, but don't let them bring you down. Just correct the problem/don't get cought again.



Registered User
Chits are formal documentation of your performance.

Each chit is a nail in the coffin for being sent home. It won't kill you having one or two, but if the staff wants to get rid of you, these help enable them to do it.

This is just an educated guess as I never went to a board, but I would imagine that the officers on the leadership board would have your training file there with your staff's evaluation of you along with any chits received detailing insufficient performance in areas. They'll take a look at all the paperwork, interview you, and make an impartial assessment of your leadership potential.


Registered User
That's true, if the staff wants to get rid of you you will have tons of chits. Some candidates would get chits for things that other candidates would just get yelled at for because the staff wanted to get rid of them. It's all about creating a paper trail so that when boards come along they can show the board what a ****bird a particular candidate is. So long as you have a little bit of common sense and you aren't failing events left and right you shouldn't have much to worry about.

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