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How deeply do selection boards read into the order of the three choices? I'm undecided between NA and NFO... If I put NFO in second, am I hurting my chances of being chosen?

Sorry, it may be a newbie question, but I don't remember my recruiter saying anything about it.

Also, my recruiter said that NA selection boards like to see NA as the first and ONLY choice. True...???


Below Ladder
I think the only people that can answer those questions are the folks on the selection boards.

My $.02: Put what you want in the order you want it. Don't put down anything you do not want to do. If all you want to do is fly, then just put down NA. If you would also enjoy being an NFO, then put down NFO. Repeat for other communities ;)


Like Kickflip said, definitely don't put down an option you don't really want just to fill a space. I put down SNA first and SNFO second because I thought it would look bad just applying for one designator. I was more than a bit nervous that I'd get picked up for NFO and not pilot, with little chance of succesfully reapplying for pilot. Figure out what you want to do and apply. Hopefully it works out.