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Choosing your station after OCS


New Member
I've still been reading up on many of the aspects of Naval OCS... What is the process for being sent places after you finish OCS?

Navy.com says that the navy will work with you and do their best to help assign you where you want to go, but how truthful is this?



Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
Needs of the Navy prevail. If their need ends up matching your wish, then you might get want you ask for....


Navy.com says that the navy will work with you and do their best to help assign you where you want to go, but how truthful is this?

Depends on your designtor and most of all, depends on timing. If the Navy doesn't have a spot where you want to go, it's not going to pull one out of thin air. Likewise, the Navy has to man undesirable locations as well, so if you manage to dodge the bullet, someone else will get the shaft.


New Member
Generally speaking they try to get you close to where you want to go. When I enlisted I chose Maine, Whidbey Island, and Pax river; I ended up on a Marine air station in SC. At least it wasn't some little sand spot in the middle of the ocean.


New Member
Awesome, thanks for the info...

My next question would be who gets first choice? Obviously orders are presented in some order so the same position isn't dealt twice... Scores on tests during OCS maybe?

Thanks again for all of the information so far.


Awesome, thanks for the info...

My next question would be who gets first choice? Obviously orders are presented in some order so the same position isn't dealt twice... Scores on tests during OCS maybe?

Thanks again for all of the information so far.

Again...totally depends on the designator. Some designators like Supply, PCS you to a 6-month school and your performance there dictates who gets first choice.

(Sorry, but academics at OCS count for dick.)

Some designators send you to a 3-month school that doesn't rate a PCS, so you get your orders to your ultimate duty with training enroute. In my case (AMDO), we had a AMO class in Jan of '03 that would include people from several OCS classes. Basically, everyone that was slated to that class was reporting to their duty stations in Mar/Apr of 03 regardelss of when they commissioned, so in this situation, the people who commissioned earlier got first picks, while guys like me had the last choice (commissioned in Dec of '02).

It doesn't seem fair, but hey, neither is getting tricked by a tranny.


Generally speaking they try to get you close to where you want to go. When I enlisted I chose Maine, Whidbey Island, and Pax river; I ended up on a Marine air station in SC. At least it wasn't some little sand spot in the middle of the ocean.

What's so bad about the Indian Ocean anyway?


Naval Aviation=world's greatest team sport
Detailing is supposed to consider the needs of the command, the personal desires of the individual, and the individual's career progression needs based on their designator. Many times, they align pretty well. Sometimes they don't. But don't lose sight of the fact that "they're called orders, not invitations."

Another piece of the process where folks don't pay much attention is that personnel assignment is a two-step process involving "Placement" and "Detailing." Placement acts on behalf of the command. Detailers act on behalf of the individual. Sometimes detailers propose certain people for certain billets and the command's Placement officer says "no way." That can occur for many reasons. So...don't think the Detailer always holds the keys to the kingdom.


I Can Has Leadership!
Also, if your orders get rewritten, make sure your old once are canceled... and all 3 commands involved know exactly what your new orders say. It'll save you a lot of asspain.


New Member

Thanks to everyone for the information. I've left a message with my officer recruiter with the information they requested on the message. I want to get things in motion as soon as possible. Anyone know how many days I should wait for them to respond? And if they don't inside of those days what should be my next course of action? (Navy.com only lists the address of the closest enlistment office, and the phone number of the officer recruiter, no address for recruiter)

Thanks again to everyone for the information.