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Registered User
this is probably a stupid question but, what is considered to be "appropriate civilian clothes" for checking in to ocs? are shorts and a t-shirt ok?

Edited by - sibar on 05/15/2002 16:40:09


Registered User

I'm not an Officer and I've never been to OCS, but I belive appropriate civilian attire is: shirt with collar (no profanity, T-shirt is actually NOT ok. Heck, I wouldn't even wear anything with Navy/USMC on it, the DIs will have fun with you if you do), trousers with belt on (can anyone clarify if shorts with belt is ok during the summer?) and lastly, cloesed-toe shoes with socks (no sandals).

Hope that helps.



Registered User
I am not sure how it works for the navy, but for the marines, you have to dress appropriately.

Appropriate candidate civilian attire consists of a collared shirt, trousers with a belt, and dress shoes. Civilian attire will be clean, and pressed. It should be comfortable, but not expensive as candidates will wear that attire for 2-3 days. T-shirts, and clothing with Commercial/Unit logos are not recommended.

This is straight off of the USMC OCS website.


60 bubba
unless you just really want a stupid nickname and at least 4 days of ridicule, don't wear anything with words on in. as for what you do decide to where it really doesn't matter in my humble opinion. in my class some came with jeans and a tee (myself) and others that dressed up - when it comes down to it...you'll all be wearing poopies!
i agree with the advice to act like a civy while you're a civy.


Registered User
Wear your all time favorite shirt!!! I wish I had, you will wear nothing but the "uniform of the day" for at least eleven weeks, so enjoy the civies one last time as you sip on a milkshake at MCkee Dee's. You'll cherish those last moments as a civilian. I was a dumba** and brought the NAVY sweatshirt my dad had bought me. Well, when I stepped out of my POV (car) the candio told me I should probably put on a jacket, which I didn't bring. Let's just say shivering would have been better.


Registered User
I've got you beat by about 5 months. I report next March and started letting my hair grow out the day I got word. You know what they say about great minds.

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