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Coalition INFOSEC Lessons Learned


Active Member
How would that even happen? Like, whoops, my selection square was too big and highlighted my PORN and my TOP SECRET AEGIS INFORMATION folders which were right next to each other, or what?

Lesson learned - don't store secret information on your porn drive. :D


Registered User
How the heck are these guys looking at porn and working the cruise sock at work?


Super Moderator


Super Moderator
And they also like some pretty fucked up porn.


Uhhhhh, yeah they sure do..........It ain't cool to see a 55 year old salaryman on the Tokyo subway reading anime porn depicting little schoolgirls with men of his age..........:eek: :(


It's gettin' a bit dramatic 'round here...
Super Moderator
Buy porn on DVD or CD from guy on sidewalk in Rapungi district...load onto TS system...probably how it was done.

(Is Rapungi in Tokyo or Thailand??)


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
Buy porn on DVD or CD from guy on sidewalk in Rapungi district...load onto TS system...probably how it was done.

(Is Rapungi in Tokyo or Thailand??)

Tokyo. And that's what I was thinking. I've seen plenty of "training materials" loaded on CLASS laptops.


Mongo only pawn, in game of life...
I don't see how they could have mixed up their systems like that... unless the porn was on SIPR?

There's been porn on SIPR in the past, I can just about guarantee there's porn somewhere on SIPR today, and there will likely be porn on SIPR in the future. (The article in question dealt with Japanese networks, not necessarily SIPR, but the analogies are there.)

It's not supposed to be there, but some people unfortunately just don't have the brains they were born with. Some, like our Japanese compadres in the article, show blatant disregard for the rules and INFOSEC. The emergence of cheap and available USB thumb drives is making things worse, too - making both accidents and deliberate violations much easier. There are scores of people who's only job is to clean up "spillages" from the classified side to the unclass side, and to keep the high side neat-n-tidy.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
There's been porn on SIPR in the past, I can just about guarantee there's porn somewhere on SIPR today, and there will likely be porn on SIPR in the future. (The article in question dealt with Japanese networks, not necessarily SIPR, but the analogies are there.)

It's not supposed to be there, but some people unfortunately just don't have the brains they were born with. Some, like our Japanese compadres in the article, show blatant disregard for the rules and INFOSEC. The emergence of cheap and available USB thumb drives is making things worse, too - making both accidents and deliberate violations much easier. There are scores of people who's only job is to clean up "spillages" from the classified side to the unclass side, and to keep the high side neat-n-tidy.

You folks ever manage to get porn onto your USQs? It's amazing what you can accomplish with a little motivation and ingenuity. :D
