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Registered User
Does the 8 yrs commitment start when you get your wings, or when you are commisioned? If when you are winged, what is a realistically time frame from OCS to winging?



Well-Known Member
Site Admin
If you go Aviation, your commitment is after you get your wings. So if you go jets, it's 8 years after your wings...for helos/props, it's 7.

I don't know the exact wait time now (others have mentioned it on the boards), but basically, after you're commissioned, you'll wait anywhere from 0-2 months, then start. For helos, it's about a year and a half. For props, John can answer it better, but it's about the same, from what I gather. For Jets it's longer, I'd guess at least 2 years till you get to the RAG. I didn't do OCS, but I believe that's 13 weeks.


The Grass is Greener!
Site Admin
For Props, it took me a year and half (roughly) to get Winged (finish Advanced), and then another 6-7 months to go through the FRS. I made LTJG (two years in the Navy) just prior to leaving the FRS. So, two years from taking my oath, I showed up at my first Fleet squadron.

A long road of training (that is still ongoing) but well worth it.


Super *********
Site Admin
It took me just over a year and a half to get winged. Commissioned May 2000, started API Oct 2000, started primary Nov 2000, finished primary/intermediate Jun 2001, started advanced Jul 2001, winged Dec 2001. I'm still in the FRS for props, but I should be showing up to my fleet squadron in Nov or Dec. So I guess SERE and the FRS took me a bit longer than John.
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