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Contacts Checkride at TW-6


Registered User
How tough is the contacts checkride at TW-6? I just spoke with a guy that busted it and was dropped from the program. I was under the impression that the contacts were just a way for us to understand some of the things the pilots is doing. I'm not trying to diminish the importance of understanding the pilot's job by any means, I was just led to believe that contacts were an ungraded evolution before we start our navigation training.


Active Member
Your reputation starts from day one ... nothing is ungraded in the eyes of your peers and superiors ... or your sailors for that matter. Something to chew on. That being said, I have no idea how hard it is.


You are graded on your knowledge of all the procedures in contacts, but not necessarily your stick and rudder skills. They don't pay us to fly the damn things.


Your end-of-block is actually harder since you can fail that without any major repercussions. Just recite your procedures in the aircraft like you did in the brief and you'll be fine. Enjoy the aerobatics and the last glimpse you'll have of sitting in the front seat.

Then you can start worrying about instruments.


What they said. If you can recite the procedures for the maneuvers in the brief, and in the plane, it doesn't matter if you can move the stick and rudder to make them happen (though that does make it more satisfying). So, it all boils down to practice. If someone washed out at Contacts, either there was some external factor that caused it, or they didn't put forth the effort. Work hard, don't sweat it, Contacts are a blast.


New Member
Tweek05 said:
I was just led to believe that contacts were an ungraded evolution before we start our navigation training.

You need to find the person that led you to believe that and kick them in the nuts. No, contacts is not hard but it does seem like there is a lot to remember. I agree with what's been said before, the chances of just failing a checkride and getting booted are pretty slim. There must have been some other circumstances (history of failed events, unsafe, bad attitude) that resulted in the attrition. Like jbelsha said, we don't even have to fly the moves. I flew everything up to my checkride. During my checkride brief I talked it over with the IP and we agreed he would fly and I would talk him through everything. Fine with me and I got pretty good grades.

Anyhow, looking at my grade sheet, here are the items I was graded on during my checkride.
1. General knowledge/procedures
2. Emergency procedures
3. Headwork/SA
4. Basic airwork recognition
5. Ground procedures
6. Radio procedures
7. Takeoff
8. Departure
9. Use of controls/trim
10. In flight checks
11. In flight planning/area orientation
12. Basic transitions
13. VFR scan
14. Power off stall
15. Approach turn stall
16. Spin
17. Simulated power loss
18. Landing pattern
19. Go around/waveoff
20. Course rules

It's all in the MCG. Look on page III-1 under C4290 for all the required items for the checkride.


Spy Navy
Maybe what you're thinking of is IFS, which isn't part of flight school and isn't really graded. Once you start Primary, contacts are part of the syllabus. However, the only people I have ever seen fail a contact flight either didn't know their EPs or didn't speak English (not an international student -- a US officer who had completely slipped through the cracks). As long as you have obviously studied and know what you're talking about in the brief, the flight is mostly just a learning experience for you. Ah, I miss those days...


New Member
Primary these days is contacts and instrument navigation.

Contacts is three sims, six flights.
Sims are with Lockheed Martin instructors to check your knowledge of systems and EPs and to see if you can put on your gear, strap in, and run the checklists.
Flights are three with on-wing, an end of block, a checkride, and a night flight.

Instruments is four sims, six flights.
Four sims with the LM instructors.
Four flights, an end of block, and a checkride.

That's primary. Yes, IPCs and FPCs are still in effect.
(Rand, I'm sure you know what the LM guys do, that's just for any 'hopefuls' or 'future' or 'applicants' reading...)


New Member
That's the Air Force for you...



Active Member
Crowbar said:
Primary these days is contacts and instrument navigation.

Contacts is three sims, six flights.
Sims are with Lockheed Martin instructors to check your knowledge of systems and EPs and to see if you can put on your gear, strap in, and run the checklists.
Flights are three with on-wing, an end of block, a checkride, and a night flight.

Instruments is four sims, six flights.
Four sims with the LM instructors.
Four flights, an end of block, and a checkride.

That's primary. Yes, IPCs and FPCs are still in effect.
(Rand, I'm sure you know what the LM guys do, that's just for any 'hopefuls' or 'future' or 'applicants' reading...)
You're ****ting me, there are only 19 x's for Primary? Seems like there would be more.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Chubby said:
You're ****ting me, there are only 19 x's for Primary? Seems like there would be more.
Why are you surprised? It's not all that different from when I went through.



Drinking, flying, or looking busy!!
Chubby said:
You're ****ting me, there are only 19 x's for Primary? Seems like there would be more.

Remember, the NFO pipeline still has an intermediate track between primary and advanced... at Vt-4/-10, it's something like another 25 x's...

Advanced is the long haul.