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Cortramid East


Registered User
Hey, I'm going to Cortramid East this year. It starts in a few days and I'm pretty excited about it, but don't want to screw up big somehow. I searched and read up previous posts about Cortramid but most were a couple years old and about Cortramid West, but I got a decent idea what things will be like.

I was just wondering if there any people who went to Cortramid East who could give any advice you could give about it? Thanks.


I'm talkin, G-5...!
Haven't been yet, but I here it's a paid vacation. So just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride...oh yeah, and make sure you break in your boots. See you in a few days.


Next guy to ask about thumbdrives gets shot.
I went to East... it was a few years ago... but very little has changed in the last 5 years.

Find someone with a POV on the first day or you'll be hanging out on the base a lot.

@ Shakey: Don't show up acting like you're on vacation... be professional, ask questions, and know when to shut up and stay out of the way. You might not have the rank yet, but you're wearing an officer's uniform... act accordingly.

(You'll probably pull some post that I made as a 4/C up talking about how its a party, etc etc... I'm older and wiser now. Sometimes. Either way don't act like an idiot when you're in uniform, you make everyone else look bad.)

Oh and if you're going to do something stupid - be stealthy.;) They will call your unit and you will get crucified.


I'm talkin, G-5...!
@ Shakey: Don't show up acting like you're on vacation... be professional, ask questions, and know when to shut up and stay out of the way. You might not have the rank yet, but you're wearing an officer's uniform... act accordingly.

Rog, I wasn't saying to act like it's a vacation, just keep an open mind, learn stuff, and have fun with it - most people never get to do this stuff, but here we are getting paid for it.

From what I here, a lot of the enlisted guys will still treat you as an officer, so try to act like one, minus the authority. Get to know the enlisted you're with - they'll like you a lot better if you don't have a stick up your @$$.

As far as staying out of trouble goes, don't hop any fences at Kings Bay. Last year, some Mids were looking for a shortcut on base - you know, where they keep the nukes - and ended they're careers before they even began.


Registered User
Thanks to both for the info.

I have a friend from my unit coming and he'll have his car there, so I'm set with that. I would have brought my car but I don't have DoD tags on it...


Next guy to ask about thumbdrives gets shot.
I would have brought my car but I don't have DoD tags on it...
They would give you a temp pass for the 3 weeks or so that you're there.

@Shakey: Didn't mean to come off like a d!ck there... make sure you have fun too.


I'm not dead yet....
Thanks to both for the info.

I have a friend from my unit coming and he'll have his car there, so I'm set with that. I would have brought my car but I don't have DoD tags on it...

Take your own car if you can get it there. Makes things lots easier.


I'm talkin, G-5...!
@Shakey: Didn't mean to come off like a d!ck there... make sure you have fun too.

No worries, I appreciate the advice - there are those who do go on cruise with a slacktastick attitude.

Anyway, I'd bring a car, but I live 3000 miles away :(


Registered User
Hmm well I've already been booked a ticket to fly there and back, but maybe I can get my car down there somehow. I only live a few hours away in Northern Va.


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
Any chance someone can post the dates? Some of us are supposed to be part of CORTRAMID and have heard nothing about the dates.


Fly Delta Jets
My report date for CORTAMID East is... well, today. May 24th, until June 23rd. No idea about West.

Anyone have any recommendations for what uniforms you do and don't need?