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CORTRAMID or 2/c Cruise?


Registered User
I didn't go on CORTRAMID last summer and I just found out that I have the option to do it this summer instead of a regular 2/c cruise. From what I've heard from my classmates, it sounds like the 2/c cruise would be better, but I'm not sure.

If you've been on both, let me know what you think. Also, how long does the 2/c cruise usually last?


NPQ from SNA
2/c cruises range from just over a week to over six weeks depending on where you go and what you do. I was on a submarine underway for 11 days, but I know some people went on boomers for five or six weeks. I don't know for sure, but I would bet the Surface 2/c cruises have the same spread.

The quality of 2/c cruises vary quite a bit. Some you can go to the Med, or Ireland, or somewhere in the Pacific. Me, I got to go from Groton, CT back to Groton, CT. It just depends on the "hook-up" that you get.

Experiences at CORTRAMID, on the other hand, do not vary as much. You will do one week of training with the Marines, SWO's, nukes, and aviation. In the aviation week you may get a T-34 flight, and flying is something you won't do in a 2/c cruise (unless they fly you to your ship). If you know you want to go aviation (guessing that because you're on AW), then maybe you can use the 2/c cruise to experience something you haven't done before and probably won't do again (being on a submarine for example). Otherwise, if you're still unsure which community to go into, then CORTRAMID will give you a decent picture of each community.

In my opinion, Aviation does the worst job of selling itself at CORTRAMID, but I guess if they have to sell you on being a Naval aviator, it's just probably not for you.


Here are the scenarios,

Do CORTRAMID if you aren't quite sure about what community you want to go to. Its geared towards letting you experience it all and is a really enjoyable experience that you will learn a lot from.

However if you know what you want to do, and its NOT aviation, then go on a 2/C cruise. It provides more in depth training into the life of the enlisted community that you will be leading.

But take a note of this: The Naval Academy does their their cruises the reverse of NROTC, our 2/C cruise is their 3/C cruise and our 3/C cruise (CORTRAMID) is their 2/C cruise. NROTC USED to be the same way, but switched it up on us because too many people were DOR'ing after the PROTRAMID because of bad experiences.

Also remember CORTAMID is also known as Score!TRAMID. I dont know why :)


Are you threatening me?
Super Moderator
The CORTRAMID thing has been beaten to death.

If you want a unique experience, do a 2/c crusie on a ship that is overseas or going someplace exotic. I had a classmate end up in Vladivostok and another in Vietnam during their 2/c cruises. Goes to show what is out there.

Oh, and they had an asston of fun.


is clara ship
2/c cruises range from just over a week to over six weeks depending on where you go and what you do. I was on a submarine underway for 11 days, but I know some people went on boomers for five or six weeks. I don't know for sure, but I would bet the Surface 2/c cruises have the same spread.

The quality of 2/c cruises vary quite a bit. Some you can go to the Med, or Ireland, or somewhere in the Pacific. Me, I got to go from Groton, CT back to Groton, CT. It just depends on the "hook-up" that you get.

Experiences at CORTRAMID, on the other hand, do not vary as much. You will do one week of training with the Marines, SWO's, nukes, and aviation. In the aviation week you may get a T-34 flight, and flying is something you won't do in a 2/c cruise (unless they fly you to your ship). If you know you want to go aviation (guessing that because you're on AW), then maybe you can use the 2/c cruise to experience something you haven't done before and probably won't do again (being on a submarine for example). Otherwise, if you're still unsure which community to go into, then CORTRAMID will give you a decent picture of each community.

In my opinion, Aviation does the worst job of selling itself at CORTRAMID, but I guess if they have to sell you on being a Naval aviator, it's just probably not for you.

I flew on my 2/c (we all the opportunity to fly in a Prowler, Rhino, and Seahawk if qual'ed). Not saying at all that this will happen, but anything is possible.

Having never gone to CORTRAMID, I can't speak from experience, but what I have *heard* from other folks is that CORTRAMID is more like summer camp. Maybe some other people can chime in here, but it seems overly structured to me. On your 2/c cruise, you will actually see the real Navy, and some aspects of how it works operationally. Additionally, you will experience (possibly for the only time until you are commissioned) the lives and work-ethic of enlisted folks.....which for me was a valuable lesson to take away. That, and the fact that you will see much cooler things than San Diego. I went on the Kitty Hawk from Sydney AUS, to Guam (you can see a previous post of mine under "summer cruise experiences" for reference) and had an incredible time. It is probably the experience that kept me in the NROTC program (a *good* reality check in terms of why I am doing this, and where I am headed). My answer to your question is an overwhelming "yes" to going 2/c instead, though I would agree that 2/c cruise can be a crapshoot as to what you get to do.


Registered User
Thanks for the quick responses guys. I think I was leaning more towards the 2/c cruise anyway. I've heard that "summer camp" reference many times about CORTRAMID.

MIDNJAC: What quals did you need to fly? I've heard you need to be a 2/c swimmer...are there any other ones?


is clara ship
Thanks for the quick responses guys. I think I was leaning more towards the 2/c cruise anyway. I've heard that "summer camp" reference many times about CORTRAMID.

MIDNJAC: What quals did you need to fly? I've heard you need to be a 2/c swimmer...are there any other ones?

2/c swim is only relevant to the SH-60....they didn't seem to require anything else. But for the others it was

1) NOMI flight physical resulting in "up-chit" as passenger/observer, or full SNA/SNFO qualified

2) ASTC aircrew survival training syllabus complete (normally a 2-day evolution, with the first day in the classroom, and the 2'nd day in the pool/dunker and a hypobaric chamber ride)

3) Ejection seat qual (this was the qual that the airwing seemed to feel was the most important for those riding in a TACAIR jet)...there is a seat familiarization portion (either GRU-7 for Prowler, or NACES for Hornet/Rhino) which can probably be done once you get there, and a dynamic portion which will be done during your survival training session. The dynamic ride lets you practice the proper physical position (so you don't lose/break arms and legs while the seat goes up the rails) and experience a simulated ejection (I think it maxes out at 3 G's instead of 18 or whatever the normal load is) where they shoot the seat up a rail using compressed gas.

It takes some coordination on the part of your cruise advisor, but it could be worth it. Then again, it is a waste of time if you end up on a DDG, so you might think about waiting until 1/c aviation to go through this ordeal.


Go to cortramid west. No question about it. And bring your car if you can or make friends real quicky with someone who did.


Go to cortramid west. No question about it. And bring your car if you can or make friends real quicky with someone who did.

Read and heed...

Cortramid gives the person a quick glance into many of the aspects of the Naval Services that they might never have been exposed to in the past and might never see in the future...

Month long paid vacation to SD or chipping paint on a ship in say Norfolk Ingleside or Pascagula/ being underway the whole time? Which sounds like more fun to you?


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
Just understand that not everyone does those things on their 2nd class cruise. It's kind of like grades and anthro measurements. It's all about timing. I ended up going around the world and visiting countries I had never been to before. I was so thankful I hadn't spent 4 weeks in a Q room, even if it was San Diego.


livin' the dream
Coolest parts about CORTRAMID? Gas chamber and shooting a Mark19 Grenade Launcher at Pendleton Marine week, Getting a flight in an S-3 Aviation week, and being on a Sub (as a female, my only shot)...

Coolest parts about 2/c Cruise? Being on the biggest aircraft carrier in the world (at the time) on her maiden deployment in the gulf, port calls in Bahrain, Malaysia, Hong Kong, and Hawaii, and chilling on the LSO platform with the Jet guys...

I've lucked out with my cruises, but in the end, cruise is what you make of it. If you aren't sure of which community you want to go in, go CORTRAMID. If you are sure, go 2/c and learned what makes a good officer from your enlisted running mate. Just have fun :)


h2o polo

Registered User
I hear about all these cool experiences on cruise....was I the only Mid to get three straight cruises in Norfolk?....I know exactly what it means when people say cruise is what you make of it :icon_wink ....I would have even gladly done the gas chamber....but I didn't even get that! I'm not bitter or anything :D


Are you threatening me?
Super Moderator
I hear about all these cool experiences on cruise....was I the only Mid to get three straight cruises in Norfolk?....I know exactly what it means when people say cruise is what you make of it :icon_wink ....I would have even gladly done the gas chamber....but I didn't even get that! I'm not bitter or anything :D

Yeah, def sucked to be you.