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Cortramid Question


New Member
I pulled my groin 2-3 weeks ago and have been resting trying not to overdo it. I went for a short run today and before I even got a mile in I had to stop because of my groin. From what I've heard it takes 1-2 months to recover from this, minimum.

My question: How much running is there at cortramid? Is this something I will be able to deal with through icing and stretching or do I need to consider pushing my cruise back a year? (I am doing 5 year program and am going to be a sophomore this coming year)


Dude, I went to Cortramid in the summer of 2004. Besides the running I did on my own, which was considerable, but self-inflicted, the only running was for the PRT, and at Marine Week. I am definitely no doctor, so I would get it checked out, but if you can pass a PRT, you should be straight.


Well-Known Member
I pulled my groin 2-3 weeks ago and have been resting trying not to overdo it. I went for a short run today and before I even got a mile in I had to stop because of my groin. From what I've heard it takes 1-2 months to recover from this, minimum.

My question: How much running is there at cortramid? Is this something I will be able to deal with through icing and stretching or do I need to consider pushing my cruise back a year? (I am doing 5 year program and am going to be a sophomore this coming year)
Are you a pussy?


New Member
You'll be running a PRT and a obstacle/endurance course during marine week. If you can barely run a mile now, you need to get together with a doctor asap. He can issue you a med-down chit for use while in cortramid if the injury is serious enough.

And don't push yourself if you have a bad injury. It's better to take the time and let it heal, rather than trying to push yourself and never having it heal 100% as a result. If you see the doctor, do what he tells you and only do the exercises when he says you can do them.

And as far as I know, Cortramid is not a required cruise. It's possible you could skip it altogether if the injury is bad enough. But that's for you, your doctor, and your CO to decide.


Hey intern, get me a Campari!
And as far as I know, Cortramid is not a required cruise. It's possible you could skip it altogether if the injury is bad enough. But that's for you, your doctor, and your CO to decide.

I don't believe any cruise is technically required - they're just a "you're doing it if at all possible" thing. I missed my second class cruise because of a torn ACL.

That being said, don't miss CORTRAMID if you don't absolutely have to - it's a good time and you'll get a lot of good exposure and meet a lot of people you'll be seeing throughout your career.


Well-Known Member
I don't believe any cruise is technically required - they're just a "you're doing it if at all possible" thing. I missed my second class cruise because of a torn ACL.

That being said, don't miss CORTRAMID if you don't absolutely have to - it's a good time and you'll get a lot of good exposure and meet a lot of people you'll be seeing throughout your career.

1/C cruise is required for commissioning.


New Member
That being said, don't miss CORTRAMID if you don't absolutely have to - it's a good time and you'll get a lot of good exposure and meet a lot of people you'll be seeing throughout your career.

I agree; I loved Cortramid. At the same time, if you're going to miss one of the three cruises, I think Cortramid is the once to miss when you consider how much you can learn during your 2/c and 1/c cruises.


is clara ship
1/C cruise is required for commissioning.

Yes, and I have friends who only did 1/c. If it is really bad, like others have said, look into skipping this one. You can always do it next summer in place of your 2/c "enlisted" cruise; several of my classmates ended up doing this for one reason or another. If you CAN go, I recommend you do it, as the 2/c cruise is definitely worthwhile IMHO.


Habitual Waster of Time
The only running during Marine week was the O course. The only physical activity the rest of the time was the PRT. The staff said over and over again that every evolution is voluntary. I would just show up and do everything you can and nobody will bust your balls if you tell them you have to sit something out.


New Member
Thanks for all the info.

I have a Dr's appointment tomorrow just to make sure it's nothing too serious. I plan on still going, but just want to make sure I'm not going to mess up my groin seriously.