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Creatine and MEPS

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Registered User
I was on about.com and i came across an MEPS questionaire. I looked them over an i came across a question that asked if you had taken any medications, drugs, or any substances to improve attention, behavior, or physical performance.

Well i take Creatine supplements before i workout and im sure some of the other people on these boards have too. So this may be me being paranoid or crazy, but will this be a problem at MEPS?


damn homeowners' associations
Yeah but you can't take it as an aviator, they tell you that at physiology during API or once you get to primary.


Registered User
THere is a difference between a nutrition suppliment and performance enhancing substances. Without getting really deep into the subject, a nutrition suppliment is just extra stuff that you can get from a normal diet. Performance enhancing substances are things that change hormone levels. Creatine can't be detected in a piss test or a blood test, so I would not worry about it at all. As long as you are not using anything that you either have to go to Mexico to get, or have to inject into your body, you should be fine.

In API the flight docs will tell you that you can't take anything. That stand has been directly contradicted at every command that I have been at since API. They don't want you doped up or anything, they just want to make sure that you know how the things that you put in your body are going to alter your performance. Creatine is a great suppliment, but you have to know how to use it properly or you can have some problems with it.

MEPS has a way of making you paranoid. Just keep in mind that they are looking to screen out guys who have either been doing illegal drugs or things that are going to hurt themselves long term. They are not looking to screen out guys who are taking something so they could be a better athlete in college or high school. Don't go waving red flags over your own head for no good reason.


Ask me about ninjas!
There are a lot of people who have problems with creatine, both those who take it and those who don't. The major problem that I've actually seen people have is dehydration, which isn't that big of an issue if you take in the right amount of fluids and electrolytes. The problem is, the people who developed problems were all doing activities that directly limited the levels of water and electrolytes in their system (football practice, conditioning hikes, training in the field, running the endurance course, and even flying a Cesna 172 in the summer). The problems were so severe that the CO of TBS actually banned all 2ndLts from taking it while they were there.


Air candidate 188
I was useing a staggared regiment of creatine and Cell-tech beore I talked to my OSO, he said if you are taking any thing like this, stop. Not because you will get disqualified, but because you wont be able to use it at OCS or The Big Suck. So I stopped, and sure enough, hit the wall for a week or two, but once I got used to not using it, I was back on top of my $hit, and realized that with the exception of the dependece your body forms for it, you don't need it unless you are say... a body builder who builds muscle, not strength. Just my $.02, hope you consider it.
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