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criminal record and OCS

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Registered User
This is my first post. I have been reading this board since I began seriously considering joinoing the military. It is great.

I am preparing my application for OCS now. I think I have a strong application and a lot to offer the Navy as an officer, as a pilot or otherwise. The one thing I am worried about is my criminal record. I have one misdameanor on my record, it happened over 5 years ago. Usually 1 misdameanor from over 5 years ago wouldn't be a problem. The problem is that it was for Possesion of Marijuana. I had very little involvement with marijuana before I got in trouble, and I have had zero involvment since. What kind of influence do you all think this will have on my application?


Registered User
you should be fine. it happened a good bit of time ago, was not a felony, and nothing has happened since. you shouldn't have a problem, assuming the rest of the packet looks good. you might have to type out a statement giving the details about the incident. just be honest and make sure you stress that you learned from the incident and that it won't happen again. good luck.

Matt L.


Registered User
Hey Mike, same boat, but I have 2 misdemeanors, just not for drugs. I am fixing to take my test this next week and it is going to be a little more difficult than I thought. I hope my recruiter can grade them leniently. I don't think I am a dumbass, but the practice test I am taking is definitely making me think. :) Anyhow, my recruiter told me he was not sure if they would accept me into the navy with my record. He'd process it and see what happens. They really are uptight about DWI's and drug possessions. (I have a DWI.) Anyhow, good luck and let us know how you are progressing. When do you test and when do you take your physical?

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