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Cuba Fears US Invasion


I Can Has Leadership!

HAVANA - Cuba government has mobilized citizen defense militias, saying it fears a U.S. attack during Fidel Castro's health crisis, even though the White House insists no such threat exists.

The island's government, under the control of Castro's brother, Defense Minister Raul Castro, has also asked military reservists to check in daily.

Opinions? I don't see what we'd gain from invading Cuba. Sounds like Fidel's little bro is pretty paranoid.

Any ganders on what this may do to how we see Cuba within the frame of national security?

*edit: The article is posted on Military.com, so I don't know if you'll need to login to read it.


Well-Known Member
well I doubt it was on anyone's mind to invade Cuba, but now that they bring it up...why not? the world's focussed on the middle east, we could have a new tropical 51st state in no time. spring break anyone?


Well-Known Member
I think there is an alterior motive on putting the Cuban Military on alert and all we're getting is the Cuban PR spin on the matter.

1. It keeps troops occupied in a time of political instability. This would be a pretty good way to keep everybody accounted for and too busy to rally together and stage some kind of military coup if they disagree with whomever comes to power whenever Castro kicks off (If he does this time).

2. You now have the majority if not intirety of your military forces to deal with any internal political unrest and/or revolution. Lets face it there are a lot of people that really really do not like the current government in Cuba that still live in Cuba. There are internal elements that would given the proper chance and motivation start a political revolution against the current government and something such as the current situation may be the moment they have been waiting for. The current government may simply be making a good show of public force to remind those internal elements that blood will be shed if anyone attempts to unseat the current government.

The Anti-US spin is just really easy to sell. So hey if they wanna screw all paranoid about how "the Americans are coming the Americans are coming" then let them. Its not like we import anything from them other then an undocumented labor force so no skin off our back.


Registered User
The Anti-US spin is just really easy to sell. So hey if they wanna screw all paranoid about how "the Americans are coming the Americans are coming" then let them. Its not like we import anything from them other then an undocumented labor force so no skin off our back.

Mexico is easily just as good of a supplier.


Drinking, flying, or looking busy!!
I'm just waiting to see what the plan is after Fidel dies and the anti-Communist movement picks up.

Is this another case where we just hope that it'll magically make a peaceful transition to democracy?

Or will we see a gradual rise in violence between an entrenched pro-Communist regime financed by the Hugo Chavez types and the dissatisfied lower middle class financed by Miami expatriates.

Will Cuba descend into a half-a$$ed criminal oligarchy again?

How will we respond? Will we get any support from other countries... the ones who have repeatedly criticized our insistence on being the only country in the Western World to have sanctions on Cuba (see: Helms-Burton)??

I just have gotten tired of us not "leaning forward" on future problems the US will face. Not nearly as bad as the Idiot Clinton just hoping Iraq would "go away" and Saddam would turn into a philosopher king... but still... we need to come up with a serious long term plan to make Cuba a functioning part of the world.


Well-Known Member
I'm just waiting to see what the plan is after Fidel dies and the anti-Communist movement picks up.

You know how when they do the 4th of July in Florida they park a barge off the coast and all the locals and tourists sit on the beach and watch the pretty explosions..... its kinda like that.


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
A little wag the dog?

I think there is an alterior motive on putting the Cuban Military on alert and all we're getting is the Cuban PR spin on the matter.

1. It keeps troops occupied in a time of political instability. This would be a pretty good way to keep everybody accounted for and too busy to rally together and stage some kind of military coup if they disagree with whomever comes to power whenever Castro kicks off (If he does this time).

2. You now have the majority if not intirety of your military forces to deal with any internal political unrest and/or revolution. Lets face it there are a lot of people that really really do not like the current government in Cuba that still live in Cuba. There are internal elements that would given the proper chance and motivation start a political revolution against the current government and something such as the current situation may be the moment they have been waiting for. The current government may simply be making a good show of public force to remind those internal elements that blood will be shed if anyone attempts to unseat the current government.

The Anti-US spin is just really easy to sell. So hey if they wanna screw all paranoid about how "the Americans are coming the Americans are coming" then let them. Its not like we import anything from them other then an undocumented labor force so no skin off our back.

I'd bet my bottom dollar this is exactly why they're mobilizing


Pretty much invincible
He's just trying to keep the people scared, so they'll behave themselves and be ever-so-grateful that the government is willing and able to keep them safe from the boogeyman.

But yeah, thull, why not invade? I mean, we've got endless resources, and it's not like our troops have anything else to be doing right now.


Uncle Sam's Misguided Children
Well first of all they've been paranoid that the US was going to invade since the 80's. Fidel had all of the mountains hollowed out to use as shelters for "the American invasion." They have nothing else to worry about but the US so that's what they do. It's only natural for Raul to worry about the same thing as his brother. Oh and I asked my bf (he was born in Cuba) where Fidel put all of the insides of the mountains. He didn't know for sure but the ocean was a thought. Hhmmm... that's a lot of rock to just add to the ocean. Rising waters? Just kidding sort of. I do wonder though.

Second, you all seem rather biased to Cubans in this country, keep in mind that it's the Cubans in Miami that got President Bush elected because of the way Clinton handled the Elian Gonzales thing. They were pretty pissed about that, not to mention that any Cuban living in the US isn't a Communist or a Democrat. That's why they left!! They like to eat more than 3 times a week and DO realize how good they have it in this country. It's the Mexicans we have to watch out for.

Lawman, you're speculations are in the right direction. If you look at Costa Rica, they don't even have a military. Why? Because everytime they do develop one they over throw the government so it was just easier to not have one. But if you keep them occupied and dumbed down they might not rise up as quickly during this time. But I think they should worry more about Chavez. Cuba is prime relestate for launching missiles at the US.

I always wondered really why we left Cuba there to begin with. We half a$$ed the Bay of Pigs and then just went on our merry way. I guess having a Communist country that close to us wasn't THAT big of a deal. :confused: