I have been searching through a lot of the older airwarrior threads, and saw that around 2005 there was a lot of talk about a significant shortage of pilots, particularly for the Marine Corps.
Just curious as to what the current trends are now and for the next year in terms of pilot needs for the Navy and Marine Corps? Over supplied, under, right on?
The answers won't really effect how I'll prepare for my applications...I'll still be studying my butt off for ASTB, keeping my grades up, and working out like a mad man.
Just simple curiousity. Thanks
Just curious as to what the current trends are now and for the next year in terms of pilot needs for the Navy and Marine Corps? Over supplied, under, right on?
The answers won't really effect how I'll prepare for my applications...I'll still be studying my butt off for ASTB, keeping my grades up, and working out like a mad man.
Just simple curiousity. Thanks