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Current Requirements?

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Registered User
Does anybody know for sure the latest vision requirements(pilot)? How many years are they waiving for prior enlisted folks? I'm a 28 year old prior Navy with a B.S. in Mech. Eng. and pilot's license. My GPA was 3.3. Do I have a snowball's chance?


Registered User
well it depends, a snowball's chance in hell? or a snowball's chance in Adak, Alaska?

yeah I think you have a good chance but, don't take my word for it. Go to a recruiter, get together the application shit, and "ask" Millington if you have a snowball's chance. (that is if you haven't already done all that) hey fill out your bio on your profile, give us an idea of who we're dealing with.

man the wait is killing me


Registered User
My profile is now updated. Thanks for the reply. Anyone out there with some more info would be appreciated.


Registered User
Hey, this vision thing is something that had me worried for a while, too. After doing some research, I keep coming up with the following information: 20/40 uncorrected (without glasses), correctible to 20/20. If you have less than 20/20 uncorrected, I think you have to have some other screenings for refractive error.

These are for being accepted for training. After you're in, the requirements aren't as tough. Good luck!

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