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Degree question


Registered User
Dont know if this is the right forum to post this but since I plan on applying for NFO, I figured ill ask. Well I was planning on starting at a 4 yr college for a bach degree in medical imagery. However, I just recieved in the mail what the total cost for this would be, which is in fact over 60k. Now being prior military I was planning on using the good old GI Bill until I remembered that it only goes up to 30k. Now I really dont want to pay over 30k in student loans, especially since I was just planning on getting this degree to become a naval officer. My question to you guys is, what would you think degree looks best on paper for someone wanting to apply for an NFO slot? How about online degrees, I did a search here on this topic, and while I learned it is possible to get selected, you have to find a school thats credible enough to be accepted correct? Ive been looking at schools around the area but they mostly seem to be degrees in criminology or business finance, and to me it doesnt really seem like that would get me a fair shot. I know the bottom line is pick somthing you want, but Im pretty much open to anything at this point even a degree in basketweaving if thats what it took (just kidding) Thanks a bunch.


the official line: Technical majors are prefered and will give you an edge. Ex: Engineering, math, science, that sort of thing

Reality: Polly Sci and Fly


Doing Flips and Shit.
No he just means, major in whatever you want. This way you'll get better grades, and that is the key to picking up the slot you want.


The phrase polic sci to fly is a catchy way of saying the navy doesn't really care what your major is as long as you excel at it. Poli Sci is a fun major, which is intellectually stimulating in a "different" way from engineering types. So "go with what your heart wants," is the advice from our "still on flight pay" freshman advisor


Registered User
Poli sci and fly means you do alot better grade wise and that helps.


Combating TIP training AGAIN?!
mikey1983 said:
Ive been looking at schools around the area but they mostly seem to be degrees in criminology or business finance, and to me it doesnt really seem like that would get me a fair shot.

Whats wrong with a business degree? Im not the OCS guru, but I know several people that got STA-21 SNA and NFO with business and political science majors.


Registered User
nothing is wrong with a business degree i was just implying i didnt think that would be what they looked for, but i see now it doesnt matter. hey im new that is. if i offended, i apologize that wasnt what i meant.


Combating TIP training AGAIN?!
mikey1983 said:
nothing is wrong with a business degree i was just implying i didnt think that would be what they looked for, but i see now it doesnt matter. hey im new that is. if i offended, i apologize that wasnt what i meant.

None taken...good luck.


Sorry, should have been more clear. Bottom Line: Don't sweat your choice of major. What's more important is that you pick something you can do well at.


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
Most any major is ok, as stated above. On line degrees usually don't fly, however. In fact, I have never seen someone with one get selected yet. Just my piece of the world view. If you want to take some online courses toward your degree, that is fine. Just take them from the on line division of a reputable brick and mortar institution. Best case is you take the on line courses from the school that you will eventually get the degree from. One more thing about your major. While it is true you can major in anything and be eligible, you must do well on the ASTB. It is a technical test with plenty of math. A guy with a technical or science degree should have little problem. A guy with a music/PE/etc major that isn't mechanically inclined or studies for the test very well, might have a problem with it. Since you are prior service, depending on rate, you might not have that problem regardless of major. Good luck.


Super DUPER Hornets!
Good point about the ASTB. I had to take it twice because my math scores sucked the first time around. I had to buy a book and relearn longhand arithmetic and basic algebra since I hadn't seen it since highschool. It paid off in the end because I eventually got picked up and the arithmetic helps a ton in primary.