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Denied(NavyAir), Denied(MarineAir), Denied(MarineAir), Accptd.(MarineGround) ???

Ric Hard

Registered User
Looking for some answers. I applied for the Navy and recieved my denial letter in May. I was trying for NFO. Looked into the Marines and was denied by the board in August. My OSO said if I recieved a few more rec. letters then I would get picked up. Re-submitted to the supplemental board in November and was denied for Air but picked up for ground. Very disappointing. I was told that my age waiver did not get picked up. I just turned 28 last month and I am wondering what I should do now. Accept the ground contract or re-apply with the Navy. My package was not the greatest but I really want to be in the Air, get PRK, and eventually fly. My ASTB was 5/6/6 OAR 50. Graduated from Embry-Riddle 2.45 Aerospace Studies. PFT Pull-ups 20, Crunches 100, Run 3-miles 19:46. Worked 40-50 hours while in school. Is re-submitting to the Navy somthing I should look into? Also, if I do accept the Marine ground contract, how difficult would it be to switch over to Air later on? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
Just make sure that you don't just settle. Is marine ground something you really want to do?


Hangar Four
It all depends on what you want out of your service...if flying is the goal then Marine ground is not the way to do it...


You could be one of the folks at TBS scrambling to compete for one of the open air slots. Not advised, however, if flying is definitely the only thing you want to do. I'm not sure if they do age waivers for that, either.