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Dental Question

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Registered User
I'm scheduled to leave on Jun 5 for PLC Combined and Im kind of concerned about getting the boot because of the dental exam. I have this tooth in the back of my mouth that the filling fell out of 3 years ago. Im in college and haven't been to the dentist since because the tooth honestly never bothered me. I'm willing to get it fixed but just need to know if I need to get on the ball right away. If anyone hasany experience with the the OCS dental exam and what they look for I would appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
I have this tooth in the back of my mouth that the filling fell out of 3 years ago. Im in college and haven't been to the dentist since

You might have bigger problems than a missing filling. Who knows what else is lurking in your jib? Get your a$$ to the dentist. Is it worth getting booted from OCS because of unknown, possibly major dental work?


Back at last
Seems like a simple 'better safe than sorry' to me... Would you rather take the chance and get booted during the first three days? Get it fixed.

*Fatty McButterpants said it well 30 seconds sooner. Well put.


I was similarly worried about my dental exam as there was a tooth in the back of my mouth that needed a root canal. The dentist noted it, but left it to my discretion whether or not I wanted to deal with it before OCS or not. My two cents is get everything POSSIBLE screened out... based on recent personal experience.


Sleepy Head
I'm not sure about Marine OCS, but for the Navy, what they do is you have to have your teeth problems fixed before you get your commsion, not before you begin OCS. So our last 3 weeks of training, we had about 4 people get their wisdom teeth removed and other people get fillings, etc. fixed (which really sucks when there is only 19 in your class.).

Good luck!!!



Well-Known Member
EngineGirl said:
I'm not sure about Marine OCS, but for the Navy, what they do is you have to have your teeth problems fixed before you get your commsion, not before you begin OCS. So our last 3 weeks of training, we had about 4 people get their wisdom teeth removed and other people get fillings, etc. fixed (which really sucks when there is only 19 in your class.).

Good luck!!!


Nope. You get an exam prior to the start of training in order to see if you are healthy enough to begin training - not to see what kind of work they can give you. If you show up needing any real work, you go bye-bye. Dental work takes time away from the training schedule. Marine OCS considers every second that you are not "training" a second closer to going home.

In other words, you need to show up 100% healthy so that you can leave 99% more broke.
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