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Dental reqs.


Registered User

I'm applying for an Air contract for OCC/190 and today I received a call from OSO telling me that I need to get both my cavities taken care of and my wisdom teeth pulled out before he can send my application. He said that the board will not review my application otherwise.

I thought I could get my cavities taken care after sending my application but before arriving at OCS. Since, the wisdom teeth only relate to pilots I believed could get that done before flight school.

Does anybody know any details?


SNFO Advanced, VT-86 T-39G/N
I know that when you contract, one of the pages you sign is that you were seen by a dentist and that everything is good to go. I would assume that the reason for this is that they might select someone who "planned" on getting stuff taken care of before OCS, but "didnt get around to it". I guess their just trying ot kill off problems before they become problems.


Registered User
Yeah but if you have cavities can't you get that taken care of before you ship out to OCS, or is it necessary to have it done before your OSO sends your application?

Also, as far as getting my wisdom teeth pulled out, that is only necessary for flight school. It doesn't make sense to get that done before OCS.


SNFO Advanced, VT-86 T-39G/N
taz954 said:
Yeah but if you have cavities can't you get that taken care of before you ship out to OCS, or is it necessary to have it done before your OSO sends your application?

Also, as far as getting my wisdom teeth pulled out, that is only necessary for flight school. It doesn't make sense to get that done before OCS.

I Just know that I had to get my dental stuff squared away first. I don't know if thats standard policy or not though. Would assume so.

For the wisdom, I would guess that as long as you don't have any problems you should be fine. It would suck major if you had to have one pulled during OCS! Like Vette, I still have all of mine.


New Member
If you get a dental exam at a medical facility, as long as you are class I you should be fine. I can't remember for sure, but I think we had to be class I before reporting to OCS. No dental work is done there unless it's an emergency.


Dean of Students
Nobody is going to look in your mouth at OCS unless you complain about tooth pain. They aren't even going to ask. I'm pretty sure I have some cavities that need filling, but the Marine Corps doesn't know about them because I never said anything. I'd suggest not saying anything either. If you have yuck mouth that will stop your from training it will be a problem. Otherwise they don't care.


Registered User
If you still have your wisdom teeth, does that prevent you from applying to Marine OCS with an AIR CONTRACT?


Dean of Students
I applied and was accepted for Air, but I don't remember anything about wisdom teeth. I had mine out in high school. I can't for the life of me see why wisdom teeth would be a problem.


Respect the WEZ
Wisdom teeth in and of themselves are not the problem. Some people keep them their entire lives, others get rid of them early. You don't have to have them removed just to get an air slot, BUT, if a dentist thinks they may be impacted, or have other problems, they may not give you the Class I sign off without having them removed. I kept mine the first few years I was in, even though they said every year "You may want to have those removed." Eventually, the dentist said they would have to go. I never had any problems with them, but removal is often seen as as "preventive maintenance".