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DEPPER Meeting in San Diego

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Your MOM!
I'm flying to San Diego in October and would love to actually meet some of the people waiting to go to OCS. I'm from Chula Vista and I'm flying home from Germany so I can spend some time with my family before I shoot off to OCS. Any takers?

Don't sweat the small stuff!


Registered User
It's a meeting to prepare us for OCS. I know we are in for a PRT (hopefully first thing in the morning before it gets too warm), and probably a bunch of studying. I think we go over the Big 3, Rules of a Sentry, blah blah blah... LCDR Toppin said that the San Diego Recruiting District was rated the best for preparing OCS candidates; but so far I haven't been too impressed. Kind of makes me wonder what the other districts are like.

could you please elaborate on what a DEPPER meeting is??


Registered User
So Ryan, were you there yesterday? Which one were you? I was trying to fiqure who you are. Were you one of the Orange County guys?

I'll be there. I guess we're in for a little PT.

Dave Shutter

Registered User
quote:Kind of makes me wonder what the other districts are like.

NRD Phil. sked.:

Report to work..1000
lunch break...1100
end lunch break...1300


That's an avg week. Others aren't quite as strenous. For some reason they take the whole month of May off (no applicants?) and considering the # of communties closed out I doubt there even working that hard.


Intel Officer
Random question: if you're already in the Navy, what is the oldest you can be before making a lateral transfer to pilot?


Registered User

No I was sitting on the opposite side of the room from the Orange County guys. A bunch of us SNFOs seemed to flock together over there.

Are you the girl who did 108 sit-ups? If so, good job! I think I'll find these DEPPER meetings beneficial (you can tell why San Diego is the best recruiting district in the country) but it's a pain to drive from North LA to San Diego every month.

Edited by - ryan77 on 09/15/2002 18:37:18


Registered User

That was me. Those meetings seem to be benefical; too bad I'm leaving next month to really get anything usefull out of them. Oh well, such is life. The airshow next month sounds like it should be fun. See you on the 19th.



Registered User
Sara, ryan... when are you reporting to OCS?

I am in Redondo Beach and have a report date of Feb. 22, 2003.

BTW, I have never even heard of any DEPPER meetings. I do, however, have the OCS prep guide with the Big 3, etc. I've been trying to study and keep fit on my own.



Registered User
Hey Aslam,

I report in Sep 03 but Sara is going next month. You might want to ask your recruiter about these meetings. When you're operating alone (without contact of other OCS bound people), you miss out on some good intel. Seeing these people in person is especially helpful.

We did the PRT, chatted a bit about OCS, and basically socialized. Our next meeting is the middle of next month and as Sara said, we're going to the air show at Miramar. They'll be taking us through the swim quals (especially good if you're going Aviation) later in the fall.


Registered User
Ok, maybe I'll look into these DEPPER meetings soon. That's kind of strange that I was never told about anything like that. Just trying to keep up with the lifting, running, and memorizing well in advance of my date.

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