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Did Hezbollah Win?

Did Hezbollah Win

  • Yes, they accomplished their objective

    Votes: 13 25.5%
  • No, they proved nothing

    Votes: 14 27.5%
  • It was a positive sum game

    Votes: 5 9.8%
  • Well, they ARE gonna kick France's ass...

    Votes: 19 37.3%

  • Total voters


somewhat related

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Hezbollah fever appears to have united the Palestinians, who feel deep resentment against Israel after 39 years of military occupation, including harsh restrictions on travel, commerce and other aspects of daily life.

Many admire Hezbollah for holding off Israel's mighty army -- similar to the popular support enjoyed by then-Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein when he fired Scud missiles at Israel in the 1991 Gulf War.

"We used to sing for Saddam," said Saed Akrawi, 26, whose perfume shop in downtown Jenin is adorned with a Nasrallah portrait, next to posters of models. "Saddam is gone. We want someone else to sing for."


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
And does anyone believe that Hezbollah underestimated the Israeli response.

I don't like your poll options, but I think overall that Hez has been militarily weakened and if the UN Peace Enforcement plan works out, Israel's defense burden to the North could be reduced. If Hez is prevented from launching attacks into N. Israel, that is a good thing. Personally, I think the Hez military wing should be wiped out completely, but if they continue to cause trouble, the UN forces will have a greater credibility with nations in the region to go after them vice the IDF. We'll have to see what develops.



Drinking, flying, or looking busy!!
The problem is that the Israelis' stated goal was to destroy Hizbullah. Hizbullah's stated goal was merely to weather the storm.

I respond to your question with another question: Who accomplished their own goals?

In this day and age, the PR spin is crucial. The Gulf War was such a spectacular success because our own military was projecting high casualties while Saddam promised "the mother of all tank battles".

Lesson served: you have to be careful where you set your goals. Losing the domestic political consensus is as devastating as losing a battle (refer to the Tet Offensive).

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
In this day and age, the PR spin is crucial. The Gulf War was such a spectacular success because our own military was projecting high casualties while Saddam promised "the mother of all tank battles".

It was the mother of all tank battles... just not the way he predicted :)


CAS Czar
Super Moderator
I think Iran won this one more than anyone, they are in effect running diplomatic circles around us. They offered their "good offices" to end the conflict (how many back channel phone calls to Europe do you think were exchanged). Think there is going to be a UN resolution on their nukes, not likely or at least not with any teeth.
I hold out little hope for the peacekeeping force and predict they will have the effect of protecting Hezbollah as they rearm more so than protecting Israel, expect Hez to lick their wounds and start off again within a year, maybe with some sort of conventional force backing them Syria perhaps who also seem to be puppets for Tehran.....we live in interesting times.


Ask the Chief
And does anyone believe that Hezbollah underestimated the Israeli response.

Hezbollah doesn't care what the Israeli response is. All they care about is some Israelis die and some Muslims live… They bank on being vindicated by international opinion, and they are right.

Islam has stated that all that is required for Islamic victory is one Muslim to survive. They are bent on the destruction of Israel and the West, they have the will to fight to the last man and they have absolutely no conscience about collateral damage. Contrary to international opinion, there is no such thing as "disproportionate response" against such a foe.

I think the most astute response regarding a "winner" so far was the observation about Iran. America has silenced Iran's two biggest rivals; Afghanistan and Iraq. Now, Iran being the most powerful Islamic country in the Middle East.... and thumbing their nose at the UN and especially the US, they are becoming the rally point for Islam. They have stated that they support the destruction of Israel, and they openly fund Hezbollah…. that is unless you think they got those rockets on E-Bay….


Yeah...my choice isn't there either...I think that they simultaneously underestimated the Israeli response...and were successful in that they survived...ie...weathered the storm and still exist as a coherent and potentially dangerous force.