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Different Jobs


First off, I'm sorry if this is in the wrong section. I'm not sure where it fits best.

I'm going to be applying for BDCP in not too long for SNA and NFO. I love aviation and want to serve, and the Navy seems like the best branch for that especially with BDCP available. But I've been wondering if one gets a chance to do much more than fly. From reading this site I know that in the Navy, as opposed to the Air Force, you're an officer and a leader first and an aviator second.

I guess my question is, if someone decided they wanted to be a part of a submarine crew for a tour, or work with intel, or supply, or something like that for a while, is that something that can be done if you're an SNA/NFO later on in the career? Or does the Navy not let you change jobs like that? If not, I don't care because aviation is my interest and I'd be happy to just do that.

Thanks in advance.


New Member
There are limits to when you can change jobs built in to the system. You can't just change on a whim, but if you want to redesignate, it's possible. The instruction is posted on the lateral transfers section in the forums.


Well-Known Member
. . . . . . . ask yourself this question: "After paying close to a million dollars (insert Doctor Evil pose here) to train you to be a NA/NFO, how many opportunities outside of your training do you think you will be offered?" The Navy will spend a lot of money on your training and development and your primary responsibility will be to take that training and do something productive with it (like get fully qualified, go to sea/deploy, stand "the watch" and do what countless thousands before you have done). Now, having said that, you will have opportunities outside of your primary designator like joint/COCOM staff, teaching, etc.

P3 F0

Well-Known Member
Like robav8r said, you're not going to wind up on a ship or sub (as part of those communities, anyway) after you've been winged, unless you redesignate. And you're not going to redesignate unless something forces you to, like getting npq'd. There are jobs in the intel world that you can get, especially later in your career after your DH tour (assuming you don't get picked up for Command). At that point, there will be time for things outside of your community, whether it's a sea or shore tour. Of course, this is all dependent on what the community/you/your detailer want and need at the time.

It's my understanding that in general, the SWO community has stopped 1320's and 10's from getting a SWO pin while deployed to the boat. Not sure if that applies to every boat, but that may be the closest you get to a different community. Of course, if you're interested in intel, there are plenty of opportunities to get your hands dirty in that world as an aviator. You just need to let your XO and detailer know what you want.


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
What hasn't been mentioned is the shore rotations and disassociated sea tours/IA, JPME and follow-on assignments. Chances are you'll get a chance to do something out of the cockpit, but it won't be in a submarine, Intel or supply. If you like Intel world, you can try to get assigned to SPEAR at ONI (or DIA).


Thanks for all the replies guys. Good information. Clearly I didn't know much about how the system works, and now I understand it better.


And you're not going to redesignate unless something forces you to, like getting npq'd.

This is not true. I know plenty of people who redesignate because they want to pursue a career in a different field/designator, not because they were forced to. I would agree that quite a few (if not most from aviation) redesignations are because people were "forced" to, sometimes because of medical status, other times because they realize their career has ended in their current community.

P3 F0

Well-Known Member
This is not true. I know plenty of people who redesignate because they want to pursue a career in a different field/designator, not because they were forced to. I would agree that quite a few (if not most from aviation) redesignations are because people were "forced" to, sometimes because of medical status, other times because they realize their career has ended in their current community.
Sorry--I'm trying to speak in generalities for the guy. I should have said, "Chances are..." I know of less than a handful that have redesignated by their own choice. Of course, this is probably because I don't know nearly as many people as you. :eek:


Sorry--I'm trying to speak in generalities for the guy. I should have said, "Chances are..." I know of less than a handful that have redesignated by their own choice. Of course, this is probably because I don't know nearly as many people as you. :eek:

Flattery will get you no where.

I was actually taking you literally, I should have figured that's what you meant.