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Dilemma in applying


Death by Snoo Snoo
Hey everyone, posted this in Lat Xfer and in Becoming an Officer sections.

I'm 23 years old, about to finish my paperwork for OCS, and have some questions that have been bugging me. I want to be an aviator, but can see myself doing SWO or NFO if I am not selected. Problem is, my eyesight isn't good enough to get SNA at this point. So I am thinking of getting PRK. But that means 6 more months of waiting to get my paperwork in, and I would love to get in sooner rather than later.

So here's the problem. If I do SWO or NFO, what are my chances at a Lateral Transfer in either of those two jobs to Pilot? I did a search and just noticed the numbers are pretty low. I don't want to become a SWO or NFO, get PRK while in the Navy, and then find out I can't transfer over. So I'm stuck. I don't even know if I'll get selected for Pilot if I get the PRK anyway.

Any suggestions? My ASTB was 6/7/6 and OAR was 52. I'm healthy and can pass the PRT by a decent amount. Any advice would be really helpful.


Well you'd make the age cutoff regardless of whether you got the PRK or not. I say if you want to be an aviator you should do whatever you feel is necessary even if it means waiting. You got pretty good scores on your ASTB.

I'd search the boards for PRK. Lots of threads relating to it.

I'd talk to a doctor about the surgery before going through with it.

Have your ducks in a row. Don't settle if you don't have to. 6 months is NOT a long time.


Death by Snoo Snoo
Yeah but it feels like forever down here. Got a job and all but I'm bored out of my mind. I'm at the point where going through OCS and getting pinned even if not selected for aviation is a decent option. But I've never been the patient type!

Love the avatar btw... nobody messes with the Fett.


Yeah, well. The Dude abides.
It sounds to me like SWO/NFO is a second choice to you at best. Get the PRK and go SNA. Don't do something you really don't want to do just because of a 6 month wait.


Death by Snoo Snoo
It's not so much a second choice thing as a question as to what my chances are of getting in through Lat Xfer would be, since I'd love to get in there and do OCS now and PRK once I'm commissioned.

I can't really afford PRK now, but I'll do it if I think I have a decent shot at SNA. If I had taken more math in college I'd have loved going Subs, but I heard those waivers are impossible to get.

EDIT- One more question... if I get the PRK done, it's an automatic 6-month wait right? Does it depend on the refraction error previous to the operation?


Sees the light
Yes the wait does depend on refractive error.

Less than 6.00 diopters of error is a 90 day wait, greater than 6.00 diopters is a 180 day wait. You'll have to see an opthamologist to find out your error as I don't know what the approximates are on a snellen eye chart.

Check out http://navmedmpte.med.navy.mil/nomi/ and under NOMI Most Accessed click Aeromedical reference and Waiver Guide. It will tell you everything you need to know. Also there is an entire subforum on PRK.

I had the surgery, and I definitely recommend it but I'm also told that my healing is well above average.

If you want answers, you've come to the right place but make sure you read A LOT. All of the information has already been posted.

Good Luck!


Death by Snoo Snoo
McBuff thanks a million. I'm at around -2 diopters so I guess that makes it 3 months. That's not too bad at all. Problem is now I gotta inform my recruiter at NRD Miami about it and hope we can work through all this.


Busted Head
I got the PRK surgery in January... all I can say is: DO IT! Man, I had worse than 20/400 in both eyes. I now have right at 20/20 in both. It's the best thing I ever did. Even if you don't get SNA, it's just a huge improvement to your life overall.

As to the diopter rating, you're fine. I talked to the guy at the Naval Refractive Surgery center and was told that for Officer's +/- 6.0 is disqualifying even if the surgery goes well (this was back in November of last year... it may have changed) and +/- 8.0 was disqualifying for enlisted guys.

Either way, you'll be fine (knock on wood). To me, it's worth it even if I don't get SNA, but I would never even have a chance if I didn't get it.

Also, I took a loan out to do it. If you're in the position that you can't pay it all up front, look into that.


Death by Snoo Snoo
Thanks JSF_Dreamer. I decided to get the surgery and am going in on Friday. So I get 3 months before I can apply for OCS and see what happens. My eyesight isn't that bad, but I'm sure I'll be glad to be able to wear normal sunglasses and not just clip on those bad boys lol.