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Do I have a chance?


New Member
Hey all-
I was hoping those more experienced could let me know how my chances of being selecting for Navy Intel are turning out...
I am a Wake Forest Senior graduating with Communication Science, Spanish, and Chinese. I also study French and Italian.

I just took the PFT::
1.5: 11:38
PU: 35
CU: 89

I took the ASTB today::

Any input? I wasn't enthused with my ASTB score and will consider taking it again depending on how my panel interview goes.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
I'd work on your pushups - what age/gender bracket are you in? What does your GPA look like? Do you have any recommendations lined up? Have any professional/volunteer/extracurricular/sports stuff going on?

Even with those things, you won't really get a straight answer - your best bet is to try your best. If you don't get picked up this time around, try again.


New Member
I am coming off of shoulder surgery which explains the PU. GPA: 3.4. I have internships and 5 school jobs on resume. Various leaderships roles on campus, also a rower on the crew team.

I am having a hard time focusing on any other jobs because I have wanted Navy Intel for so long. Any suggestions for similar fields if it turns out to be a "no go"?


Solidly part of the 42%.
The advice that I am convinced that everybody will give you...Apply, apply, APPLY. It can't hurt. If you get rejected, then apply again. Persistence counts ALOT. I know you wanted a more quantified answer than that, but it really is that simple. I think you're a shoe-in, but what I think doesn't count.

NOW...about the rowing. Holy Shit, what were you feeding your mens novice 4 during head season? They were absent the first half of the season, but they showed up for Head of the Hooch and Head of the South and destroyed everybody. My boat was undefeated in every regatta till those chuckleheads showed up.

BTW, your mile and a half is quite respectable, especially for a girl (no sexism intended).


Sorry, I'm a 21 year old female.

Hell, you're a shoe-in with that alone ;).

No, I was recently Pro-Rec'd for Intel, but I'm still waiting on Final Select. I had very similar 'stats' to you, i.e. good but nothing amazing. I think what helped me the most were a strong personal statement and an outstanding interview with an Intel officer.

Try and work with your recruiter to locate an Intel officer in your area, and knock his/her socks off. I think this will go a long way in making you stand out. And if it doesn't work out the first time, well the application's free so try again later. Good luck.


Active Member
Gotcha. Looks solid enough, but I'm going off of what I've seen here and a few other places. Also, rowing is awesome and I really regret that I've never gotten a chance to actually do it. The History Channel had a thing a while back on the teams from Oxford and Cambridge - had them race in Viking longships across (part of) the North Sea. Awesome.


New Member
NOW...about the rowing. Holy Shit, what were you feeding your mens novice 4 during head season? They were absent the first half of the season, but they showed up for Head of the Hooch and Head of the South and destroyed everybody. My boat was undefeated in every regatta till those chuckleheads showed up.

haha Where are you from? Are we going to see you at some of the regattas this spring? Sorry to say, those guys are back :)


Solidly part of the 42%.
haha Where are you from? Are we going to see you at some of the regattas this spring? Sorry to say, those guys are back :)

I'm at Georgia State University, but I'm varsity this season. We'll be at SERCS, Clemson, John Hunter, SIRA, and the Augusta Invitational. Lanier got cancelled because there isn't any water.