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Dress Blues

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Hey, anyone here know how to set up the blues/sword hook up. Trying to figure out how to get it all locked on. Its got that one piece that connects to the 2 holes in the sword, but how do you hang the sword w/o it hitting the deck? Looks cool, but sure is a pain in the @ss to get on!!!

Also - My personal advice to all those going in.... When uniform class came around and you had the option of going for "The Marine Shoppe" or "The Uniform Shop"... everyone got Uniform Shop. It was much cheaper (like 300$). But... now 90% of the people I know had jacked up uniforms (myself included). My advice would be go Marine Shop. Alot of priors and other people will tell you not too... and you will want to follow the crowd b/c you dont know jack about uniforms. Well, I do know this.. my Alphas need fixing in 2 spots, my blues seem too large on the sides.. and EVERYONE who went to Marine Shop is HAPPY AS HELL!!! To me.. if I had a do-over.. I would invest the extra $ and get the better service and quality. Food for thought.


Registered User
Kinda random question applying to dress blues. When do you get to where the dress blues, and while at OCS, what uniforms do you get to use besides the camo's (not the technical term i know).


Registered User
You'll wear Utilities (Camo) at OCS and then Service Alphas (green coat/trousers, tan shirt and tie) for the commissioning ceremony. Blues you won't need until TBS, where you'll wear them for Mess night and have classes about uniforms, swords, etc.


Well-Known Member
Can you receive your commission in Cammies?

Would be cool to take off Sgt chevrons and put on Lieutenant Bars after the warrant was read.


Registered User
You can do your commissioning ceremony where ever and in whatever you want. It is your ceremony. All you need is a commissioned officer to administer the oath.



HueyCobra8151 said:
Can you receive your commission in Cammies?

Would be cool to take off Sgt chevrons and put on Lieutenant Bars after the warrant was read.

It depends on the OSO. I know my OSO would not let us get commissioned in our cammies, but you've got a better reason for cammies then I do.


OCC-169 Grad

usmcecho4 said:
You can do your commissioning ceremony where ever and in whatever you want. It is your ceremony. All you need is a commissioned officer to administer the oath.


I concur with this quote. It's your Commissioning and you decide the details of what you want to happen. Dress Blues, Alphas, Cammies. Some people don't buy blues right away, so there is no rule on what you wear as long as it is a Marine Corps Uniform. This goes for location as well (No strip joints or anything like that).

The bottom line is as long as it is done in a professional manner and doesn't discredit the Marine Corps then there shouldn't be any issue. However, Commissioning day is for the person being Commissioned, not anyone else.

I hope that helps.


Registered User
If you go to OCC, can you defer your commisioning until you get back home (before TBS); especially if your family can't get to Quanitco?

If not, is it possible to have a 2nd pinning?


Getting some since 1775
usmcecho4 said:
You can do your commissioning ceremony where ever and in whatever you want. It is your ceremony. All you need is a commissioned officer to administer the oath.

Can I get a Retired Air Force Officer (Maj.) administer the oath??


OCC-169 Grad

JDawg2332 said:
Can I get a Retired Air Force Officer (Maj.) administer the oath??

You can have anyone that was or is an officer administer the oath. However, make sure you have cerfication or an identification card proving that they are or were an actual officer in the UNITED STATES MILITARY. Not France or something else. Reason I bring this up, was there has been people who have LIED about having done military service that have been caught, after the fact of commissioning and using other rights given to actual commissioned officers. Also, you will have to have a copy of their PROOF to go with the commissioning documentation.

I hope that helps.
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